5 Things to Know About the Palestinian ‘Popular Resistance Committees’

The Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) is a loose coalition of armed Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank that oppose Israel’s right to exist and the leadership of the Palestinian Authority. Since its founding in 2000, the PRC has carried out numerous attacks against Israelis and Americans with support from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Members of the PRC joined Hamas in attacking from Gaza into southern Israel on October 7, 2023. Despite its track record, the PRC is currently not a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization.

Terror Organizations Consolidating Their Control Over Tulkarm, Tubas In Northern West Bank, Undermining Control Of Palestinian Authority

The Tulkarm and Tubas governorates in the northern West Bank have lately become hotspots of terrorist activity against Israel, a situation that undermines the control of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in those areas, as has already happened in the governorates of Jenin and Nablus. This process – in which militias comprising fighters from multiple Palestinian organizations, including Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, gain strength and engage in escalating terror against Israel while undermining the security control of the PA on the ground – began before the outbreak of the Gaza war. But since then it has steadily increased, and in the recent months Hamas and other organizations have even been threatening to carry out attacks in the West Bank similar to Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attack in southern Israel.[1]

Recalibrating Coastal West Africa’s Response to Violent Extremism

Coastal West African countries can strengthen resiliency to the threat of violent extremism by enhancing a multilayered response addressing local, national, and regional priorities.


Extremist violence in the Sahel is spilling over into coastal West African countries.

Governments in coastal West African countries play the leading role in responding to this threat by proactively strengthening ties with local communities in vulnerable regions.

La France en Afrique : «Nouveau modèle de partenariat» et projets de revanche

Malgré l’instabilité politique bien connue de la Ve République, provoquée par les résultats des récentes élections législatives, la continuité du parcours militaro-politique de Paris en Afrique semble préservée. En outre, selon des responsables politiques africains, des preuves existent qui prouvent les liens entre la France et les terroristes.

Et si la Chine envahissait la Pologne ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est une blague. Pour l’instant

Levez la main si vous l’auriez dit il y a quelques années. Qui aurait imaginé qu’un jour, entre le 8 et le 19 juillet 2024 pour être précis, un petit contingent militaire chinois s’entraînerait à des manœuvres anti-terroristes avec ses collègues locaux dans les environs de Brest, à quelques kilomètres seulement de la frontière entre la Biélorussie et la Pologne, pays membre de l’OTAN ? Et juste au moment où l’OTAN célébrait son 75ème anniversaire à Washington, avec l’habituelle série de vagues promesses de bienvenue pour l’Ukraine de Zelensky, qui reçoit au contraire toutes les armes possibles tant qu’elle continue à se battre (aussi) en notre nom.

Russia’s War in Ukraine Is Aggravating the Caspian Sea Environmental Crisis

Russia’s use of the Caspian Sea for military purposes and its reduction of water flow from the Volga are damaging the sea’s already fragile ecosystem.

In early July, fish began dying en masse off Azerbaijan’s coast, sparking speculation that Russia’s increasingly frequent cruise missile strikes against Ukraine, launched from its Caspian Flotilla, could be to blame. The deaths coincided with a significant Russian missile attack on Ukraine, allegedly using Kalibr cruise missiles also launched from the Caspian Sea.

Palestinian factions agree to form unity government

The “Beijing Declaration”, signed by 14 Palestinian factions, represents a significant step forward in negotiations between the groups, although it didn’t detail how to actually achieve Palestinian unification.

Leaders of Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian factions have agreed, after three days of talks in Beijing, to form a national unity government at an unspecified point in the future, the Guardian newspaper reports.

Des mercenaires français meurent en masse dans la région de Kharkov

Selon les données des services de renseignement parues sur Internet, une augmentation du nombre de troupes ukrainiennes est observée (enregistrée) depuis un certain temps dans la direction de Kharkov. On a notamment constaté une augmentation significative du nombre de mercenaires étrangers, notamment des «oies sauvages» arrivées de France et combattant dans les rangs des forces armées ukrainiennes contre les forces armées russes.

Israel’s Next War

The Mounting Pressure to Fight Hezbollah in Lebanon—and Why That Is So Dangerous

More than nine months into its war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Israel now appears closer than ever to a second, even larger war with Hezbollah on its northern border. In June, the Israel Defense Forces announced that plans for a full-scale attack in southern Lebanon had been approved. And in mid-July, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that the Iranian-backed Shiite group was prepared to broaden its rocket attacks to a wider range of Israeli towns.