Biden rallies NATO support ahead of confrontation with Putin

President Joe Biden used his first appearance at a NATO summit since taking office to call on Russian President Vladimir Putin to step back from provocative actions targeting the U.S. and its allies on Monday. NATO leaders joined the United States in formally accusing Moscow and Beijing of malign actions.

Biden’s sharp words for Russia and his friendly interactions with NATO allies marked a sharp shift in tone from the past four years and highlighted the renewed U.S. commitment to the 30-country alliance that was frequently maligned by predecessor Donald Trump.

G7 is divided over China

G7 is divided over the China issue.

A report by The Telegraph (“China divides G7 as Biden calls for international investigation into origins of Covid-19”, June 14, 2021) said:

“Joe Biden has called for an international investigation to establish whether Covid-19 leaked from a Chinese laboratory as he tried to rally G7 leaders behind a ‘competition with autocracies.’

Russian Middle East Expert Mirzayan: Let Turkey Choke On Idlib

In an investigative report for RIA Novosti titled “Acting as if It Owned the Place, Turkey Occupies Foreign Lands” Kseniya Melnikova describes how Turkey is consolidating its control over Northern Syria. Turkey was making the region part of Turkey by imposing its curriculum, connecting the region to the Turkish power grid and distributing identity cards while invalidating Syrian issued documents. The Assad government protests but is basically helpless. Melnikova hopes that Russia will curb Turkey’s actions and compel it to leave Syria. Middle East expert Gevorg Mirzayan considers Turkey to be a rival of Russia and has no love for Turkish President Recep Erdogan. However, instead of advocating Russian intervention like Melnikova, he diabolically recommends allowing Turkey to strengthen its hold in Idlib Province. This would prod the Iranians, who have been happy to see Russia do the heavy lifting, to deter Turkey not only in Syria but in the Caucasus. The Arabs will be up in arms against Turkey as they see Turkey encroaching on Arab land. Turkey will be under constant threat of a war, in which its NATO allies will abandon it.

Anti-Turkey Statements In Iran – Part IV: Iranian Regime Mouthpiece ‘Kayhan’ To Turkish President Erdoğan: Do Not Enter The War In Yemen Alongside Saudi Arabia

Twice in recent months, the Iranian regime mouthpiece Kayhan, which is close to ideological circles, published articles warning Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan not to interfere in the war in Yemen in support of Saudi Arabia. In a March 17, 2021 article, Kayhan wrote, referring to missiles fired by the pro-Iran Shi’ite Houthi rebels in Yemen into Saudi Arabia, that if Turkey did so, “there is not a shadow of a doubt that the catastrophe caused by the long-range missiles of Ansar Allah [i.e. the Houthis] will happen to Turkey as well.” It added that Erdoğan must “take into account [that there will be] a clash” with Iran’s “powerful resistance axis.”

Turkey’s muddled approach to Palestine

Ankara sees a recently ratified security cooperation deal between Turkey and the Palestinian Authority as groundwork for a possible maritime boundary agreement between Turkey and Palestine. Experts see such prospects as far-fetched.

As the Holy Land emerges from a fresh round of clashes, Turkey has ratified a comprehensive cooperation agreement with the Palestinian administration that was signed in 2018. While Turkish media is trumpeting the agreement as an “important step,” experts believe the deal will have limited practical meaning.

Erdogan’s meeting with Biden more spin than substance

The two leaders’ first meeting as heads of state led to detailed discussions, but there were no breakthroughs.

The long-awaited meeting today between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Joe Biden went pretty much as expected, with none of the big issues poisoning ties between the NATO allies getting resolved. The two leaders both said the 90-minute-long encounter on the margins of the NATO summit in Brussels had gone “very well” — Erdogan went as far as to claim that “We think that there are no issues within US-Turkey ties [that are unsolvable] and that areas of cooperation for us are greater than [our] problems.” However, Erdogan’s comments during a subsequent news conference offered little in the way of proof.

Dislocarea Transilvaniei de România. Visul strămoșilor români, știrbit de Orban

Am crescut de mic copil în spirit naționalist; îmi amintesc cu multă dragoste cum, în amurgul serii, sătenii – oameni simpli și considerați neînsemnați – discutau despre luptele purtate de soldații români, despre sângele vărsat pe câmpurile de bătaie, despre viețile sacrificate pentru întregirea României.

Atentatele la integritatea țării noastre nu ne pot lăsa indiferenți. Din durerile strămoșilor noștri ne-a încolțit libertatea, însă astăzi, pe nesimțite parcă, am devenit martori la planul secret de maghiarizare care se desfășoară chiar sub privirile noastre, în inima României, în Transilvania.

Sfânta Greta Trotineta și PeNeNeReta

Și, Doamne!, ce s-au mai îmbuibat secole la rînd.

Ori de câte ori mergi prin capitalele alea mari, celebre, devenite adevărate locuri de pelerinaj turististic, nu poți să nu se strângă inima în tine. Uite, în Paris, palatul ăsta e din banii din colonia aia. Iar statuia asta din Londra e din exploatarea poporului celălalt.