Moroccan City Near Ceuta Returns to Calm After a Night of Riots

The border area is now calm after three tumultuous days in which some 8,000 African migrants crossed into Spain.

The Moroccan town of Castillejos returned to calm Thursday after a night of scuffles between riot forces and African migrants that occurred near the Tarajal border crossing leading to the Spanish city of Ceuta.

Russia Reacts To US Decision To Lift Sanctions on Gas Pipeline

Although Washington will not sanction Nord Stream 2, it will impose restrictions on companies involved in the construction of the undersea pipeline.

Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday called as “a positive sign” the U.S. decision to waive sanctions against Nord Stream 2 AG pipeline, which will carry Russian gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea.

Israel Obstructs Provision of Humanitarian Assistance in Gaza

WHO denounced obstructions to medical equipment, assaults on health workers, confiscation of ambulances, and military raids on health centers.

The World Health Organization Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Ahmed Al Mandhari denounced that humanitarian organizations cannot easily access the Palestinian territories to offer aid to the wounded and provide basic supplies.

Deadly Mediterranean Migrant Route Claims More Lives

At least 57 migrants and refugees have been confirmed dead after drowning off the Tunisian coast while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, Tunisian authorities reported Tuesday. Local workers on a nearby oil rig managed to rescue 33 of the passengers on board the capsized boat, which set sail from neighboring Libya.

Israel, Hamas Exchange More Rockets, Airstrikes

The 10th day of Operation Guardian of the Walls began on Wednesday with yet another volley of rockets fired by Hamas at southern Israeli towns. As of noon Wednesday, no injuries were reported. Throughout Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning, Israeli fighter jets again conducted widespread air raids against military targets belonging to the terror group in control of the Gaza Strip, with an additional 12 kilometers of underground offensive tunnels and facilities reportedly destroyed.

The Spokesperson’s Office of the Israel Defense Forces said at least 10 Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives were killed in the attacks. Also on Wednesday, Israel confirmed that over the past 10 days it twice attempted to assassinate Mohammed Deif, the chief of staff and supreme military commander of Hamas’ military wing. Both attempts failed.

Soudan: pourquoi et comment Emmanuel Macron a « annulé » 5 milliards de dollars de dette

La France est le deuxième créancier de Khartoum. Si en majorité ces dettes sont dues à des pénalités de retard, le choix de Paris s’inscrit aussi dans un complexe effort diplomatique et économique. Le décryptage de Jeune Afrique.

Abdallah Hamdok, le Premier ministre soudanais, est reparti comblé de la « Conférence internationale d’appui à la transition soudanaise » réunie le 17 mai à Paris. Non seulement, l’ancien diplomate et haut fonctionnaire a obtenu de la France un prêt relais de 1,5 milliard de dollars, mais Emmanuel Macron, le président français, a annoncé l’annulation prochaine de près de 5 milliards de dollars de créances françaises sur le Soudan.

Le chef de l’État français a rappelé que cette Conférence, qu’il avait promise il y a dix-huit mois, était destinée à « mobiliser la communauté internationale » afin de « permettre le retour parmi le concert des nations » d’un pays dont la jeunesse avait « envoyé un message d’espoir et de courage » en renversant en 2019 le régime dictatorial d’Omar el-Béchir.
Avancer au plus vite

En décembre 2020, le retrait du Soudan de la liste américaine des pays soutenant le terrorisme et la fin des sanctions qui en résultait a autorisé une accélération de la reconstruction du pays. Mais il fallait « avancer au plus vite pour débarrasser le Soudan de sa dette extérieure », a déclaré Emmanuel Macron.

Le rapprochement avec l’Égypte de Sissi explique aussi le geste de Paris

Au préalable, deux conditions devaient être réunies : le règlement des arriérés à l’égard du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), de la Banque mondiale et de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) et la mise en œuvre de réformes. « Ces deux conditions sont remplies », a estimé le président français.

African Financial Independence is a Threat to the Status Quo and not a Pipedream

This article seeks to draw attention to one aspect of African sovereignty that does not get adequate coverage. Admittedly, many are aware of illicit financial outflows that cripple development or the fact that Africa has been a net creditor to the global financial system even though the countries within are debt ridden. This article will draw the lines between the lack of financial independence and structural parasitic relationships that entities maintain with the African continent. My intention is to remind people that gaining financial sovereignty is another crucial aspect to the self-determination sought by many. Discussions on struggles of self-determination and anti-imperialism are increasing, and I hope to contribute to that discussion, bringing in the perspective of an indigene living in the hyper-capitalist periphery.

US offers $5 million reward for information on kidnapped aid worker

The US Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service, through its Rewards for Justice (RFJ) office, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have offered a reward of up to $5 million for information concerning the kidnapping of Cydney Mizell, a humanitarian aid worker who went missing in Afghanistan in 2008.

This RFJ reward offer is for information leading to the location, recovery and return of Mizell.

Au Niger, plus de 10 000 déplacés en 48 heures à cause des attaques djihadistes

Selon le Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU, les personnes viennent d’une zone composée de vingt-quatre villages dans la région de Tillabéri.

Plus de 10 000 personnes ont fui leurs villages en 48 heures dans l’ouest du Niger en raison d’attaques djihadistes répétées, ont indiqué lundi 17 mai les Nations unies et les autorités locales.

Plus de 100 migrants partis de Libye secourus par la marine tunisienne

Le bateau, « sur le point de couler », transportait notamment des Bangladais, des Soudanais, des Erythréens et des Egyptiens.

La marine tunisienne a secouru, lundi 17 mai, plus de 100 migrants qui tentaient de rallier l’Italie clandestinement depuis la Libye et se trouvaient en difficulté au large de l’île de Djerba, a indiqué le ministère de la défense.