L’Afrique de l’Ouest privée de nourriture par la demande mondiale en huile et farine de poisson

Selon l’ONG Greenpeace, la production destinée aux industries européennes et asiatiques contribue au pillage des ressources halieutiques ouest-africaines.

Les producteurs de farine et d’huile de poisson destinées aux industries européennes et asiatiques privent les populations d’Afrique de l’Ouest d’une part importante de leur alimentation et contribuent au pillage des ressources halieutiques, dénonce Greenpeace dans un rapport publié mardi 31 mai.

Nigeria : la mort de Shekau, un tournant dans la guerre entre Boko Haram et l’État islamique ?

Déjà déclaré mort à cinq reprises entre 2009 et 2016, Abubakar Shekau aurait été tué le 19 mai dans son fief de la forêt de Sambisa, dans le nord-est du Nigeria. Cette fois, l’information semble cependant crédible.

En ce soir du 19 mai, une colonne de combattants de l’État islamique en Afrique de l’Ouest (ISWAP), portés par une cinquantaine de pick-up, déferle dans la zone dans laquelle Abubakar Shekau s’est retranché avec ses hommes. Après de longues heures de combat, et alors que la plupart de ses hommes ont été tués ou mis hors d’état de nuire, le chef de la secte islamiste Boko Haram, acculé, est contraint de négocier.

Centrafrique: Macron juge le président Touadéra «otage du groupe Wagner»

Dans une interview accordée au Journal du Dimanche (JDD), publiée ce week-end, le président français Emmanuel Macron a évoqué le sentiment anti-français en Centrafrique, instrumentalisé, selon lui, par un groupe militaire privé lié à la Russie. Une référence à la société militaire privée Wagner, un groupe sans existence juridique, mais qui entretient des liens étroits avec le Kremlin, selon les observateurs, et dont les éléments combattraient aux côtés des troupes gouvernementales.

China: A Necessary Rival To The US – Analysis

Ever since America’s rivalry with the Soviets came to an end in the 1990s, the US has struggled to determine what its global position should be. It could be that a rival is necessary for the US to clarify its goals and revitalize its stagnating position on the world stage. China could play the role of necessary rival.

Iran: Khamenei Will Control Policy No Matter Who Is President – OpEd

During a televised speech to the members of Iran’s parliament last week, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei urged all citizens to participate in the June 18 presidential election, warning against “those who promote voting abstention” and saying “they do not sympathize with the people.”

Khamenei was clearly responding, while naming no one, to widespread criticism of the decision by the Guardian Council to bar a number of candidates from standing and instead issue a restricted list of just seven people considered eligible to compete in the election.

Gaza Conflict: If Both Israel And Hamas Won, Then Who Lost? – OpEd

Since both Israel and Hamas are busy claiming “victory” after the truce which ended 11 days of intense bombardment and rocket attacks, it seems that the only losers in this senseless violence are those who are dead- and there are plenty of them. As per credible reports, nearly 250 people [including more than 100 women and children] lost their lives in Gaza, while 12 people [including two children] were killed in Israel.

The Relevance of Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man and its Failures

Posing the Question

This year marks the 57th anniversary of Herbert Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man (1964). This text, although plagued with a pessimistic spirit, was a great source of inspiration for the development of the New Left and the May 68 uprisings. The question we must ask ourselves is whether a text that predates the last 50 years of neoliberalism has any pertinent take-aways for today’s revolutionary struggles. Before we examine this, let us first review the context and central observations in Marcuse’s famed work.

Suflete moarte: deznaționalizarea elitelor

Au trecut 25 de ani de când Samuel Huntington publica ”Ciocnirea Civilizațiilor”. Atunci, în România s-au iscat mari polemici legate de linia de falie din Europa, trasată de Huntington fie pentru a exclude România din ”Lumea Vestică”, fie pentru a include doar Transilvania în Occident. Fie că teoria lui Huntington a influențat sau reflecta politica oficială a puterilor vestice, fie că a fost vorba doar de nevolnicia liderilor români, cert este că, după 25 de ani, linia roșie a lui Huntington nu este întreruptă măcar de o autostradă care să treacă Carpații.

Denmark Collaborated With the United States to Spy on Allies

The NSA would have used the Danish IT infrastructure to spy on Angela Merkel and other European leaders.

The Danish public television DR and other European media on Sunday published an investigation showing that the Danish Defense Intelligence Service (FE) gave the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) open internet access to spy on top politicians of neighboring countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

ISIS Weekly: Attack Israel And Jews Worldwide, Only ISIS Will Liberate Jerusalem, Palestine Is Not A Greater Priority Than Other Struggles Against Unbelievers

Issue 287 of the Islamic State (ISIS) weekly magazine Al-Naba’, which was published on May 20, 2021, includes an editorial discussing the current violence between Israel and the Palestinians.[1] Although clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protestors have been ongoing since the beginning of Ramadan in the second week of April and militant groups in Gaza began to fire rockets at Israel on May 10,[2] ISIS has refrained from commenting on the situation in Al-Naba’ until now. This is in sharp contrast to Al-Qaeda’s Central Command and its affiliates, most of which have issued statements expressing solidarity with Palestinians, praising the rocket attacks on Israel, and calling for jihad against Israel and Jews since Palestinian groups first began to fire rockets at Israel.[3]