Forging a future with rather than against Iran

The rise of hardline President-elect Ebrahim Raisi has prompted someanalysts to counterintuitively suggest that it could pave the way for reduced regional tensions and potential talks on a rejiggered Middle Eastern security architecture but getting from A to B is likely to prove easier said than done.

Games without Frontiers: Renegotiating the Boundaries of Power in Iraqi Kurdistan


Over the past year, intensifying political and economic conflicts between the Kurdistan Region’s two hegemonic parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, have challenged the legal and institutional order in which the Kurdistan Regional Government operates. A new generation of leadership within the parties, a fraught relationship with the federal government, and a prolonged economic crisis have strained the relationship between the two parties to its breaking point.

The Economics of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham


Over the past four years, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has tried to transform itself from a faction of the Global Jihad movement into the de facto local military and governing power in north-west (NW) Syria. This shift requires the group to seek sources of funding other than al-Qaeda and its donors; consequently, HTS has undertaken a slow but steady takeover of the economy in NW Syria, from financial services and oil and gas to internet and telecommunications. This paper lays out how that process has taken place and provides a detailed look at the economics of HTS.

Più respiro e più futuro per l’Unione. Evviva i quasi Eurobond

Sempre vero che la foresta, quando cresce, fa meno rumore del singolo albero in caduta. Ma è destinata a durare, e magari cambiare l’ecosistema.

Martedì l’Europa ha ‘piantato’ quasi in sordina – per quanto fragoroso era stato nella primavera 2020 il dibattito sulla possibile mutualizzazione del debito anti-Covid – il primo bond del Next Generation Eu, il programma comune per ricostruire con intenti sostenibili l’economia dell’Unione. La Commissione ha raccolto 20 miliardi di euro con un titolo decennale per il quale la richiesta degli investitori è stata sette volte tanto, segno che l’interesse dei mercati per un’obbligazione europea ‘tripla A’ è grande. Entro l’anno i miliardi saranno oltre 100. Serviranno a finanziare le sovvenzioni e i prestiti destinati agli Stati membri nel 2021 per realizzare i progetti inseriti nei Piani nazionali dei Ventisette.

Chinese president calls for building closer Belt and Road partnership

China stands ready to work with all parties to build a closer Belt and Road partnership, President Xi Jinping said Wednesday in a written message to the Asia and Pacific High-level Conference on Belt and Road Cooperation.

Xi said the joint building of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that he proposed is aimed at carrying forward the spirit of the Silk Road, working together to build an open platform of cooperation, and providing new impetus for cooperation and development among countries.

Asian Countries Welcome G7’s Answer to China’s One Belt, One Road Program

Bangladesh and nations in Southeast Asia are welcoming the Group of Seven’s new answer to China’s One Belt, One Road initiative, saying it will be another source for financing their burgeoning infrastructure needs.

But because the U.S.-led Build Back Better World Partnership (B3W) initiative is scant in details, officials of some governments in the region and analysts say they also are waiting for more information to see how it can help their countries. China has an eight-year head start and has pumped huge amounts of money into its global infrastructure-building program (OBOR).

Warning Shots Fired at British Destroyer in Black Sea, Russia Says

Russian forces said they fired warning shots Wednesday at a British Royal Navy destroyer taking part in a U.S.-led naval exercise in the Black Sea near Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said the action was taken because the HMS Defender entered 3 kilometers into Russia’s territorial waters. Britain says no shots were fired toward the vessel.

Libye : à Berlin, les participants appellent au retrait « sans délai » des mercenaires

Alors que la première conférence de Berlin consacrée à la Libye avait débouché sur des déclarations d’intention, des avancées tangibles ont été notées lors de la deuxième édition. Explications.

La Libye a fait état le 23 juin de progrès en vue d’un départ des forces étrangères de son territoire, avec des discussions russo-turques en vue sur un retrait initial de plusieurs centaines d’hommes de part et d’autre.