Kabul near standstill on day one of the Taliban’s ‘Emirate’

The bustling metropolis of six million saw businesses shut as people stayed indoors after the Taliban took over.

The first day of what the Taliban calls the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” saw Kabul, a bustling metropolis of six million, turn into a slow, male-dominated city without police or traffic controls and with shuttered businesses everywhere.

La Tunisie en crise : une explication

La Tunisie est confrontée à une crise constitutionnelle suite aux défis posés à la séparation des pouvoirs et l’ampleur prise par l’exécutif. Il en résulte des implications non seulement pour la Tunisie mais aussi pour l’avenir de la démocratie en Afrique du Nord.

Le taux de violence des groupes islamistes militants africains ralentit, mais se maintient à un niveau record

Les profils de la violence perpétrée par les groupes islamistes militants d’Afrique évoluent. Ils continuent néanmoins de semer le chaos à un niveau record, causant, en moyenne, 14 évènements violents par jour.

Un examen des données sur les évènements violents attribuables aux groupes islamistes militants en Afrique pendant le premier semestre de 2021 et leur évolution au cours de la dernière décennie met en relief la menace grandissante qu’ils posent. Cependant, il existe des différences considérables dans les niveaux et les types de violences perpétrés. Voici des points clés à retenir :

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Statement on Taliban Conquest

Leading figures in the insurgent group Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, which is the dominant faction in the insurgent-held regions of Idlib and its environs, have long expressed admiration for the Taliban in Afghanistan and its efforts in the face of the Afghan government that was backed by the United States and other international actors. For them, the Taliban’s recent victory in Afghanistan constitutes a victory for Muslims (i.e. Sunnis) and is an example of steadfastness in the face of a foreign occupation. Unsurprisingly, therefore, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham has released its own official statement congratulating the Taliban and the ‘people of the Afghans’. The statement highlights the Taliban’s years of fighting as an inspiration for its own ‘steadfastness’, while also urging the international community to recognise that it should not support oppressive regimes against the will of the peoples who reject them. The statement concludes with a hope for victory to liberate Syria and implement Islamic law.

Situation humanitaire alarmante au nord du Cameroun

Les habitants dans l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun sont les premières victimes du conflit avec Boko Haram auquel viennent s’ajouter des inondations récurrentes.

La situation humanitaire dans l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun s’est dégradée depuis ces trois dernières années. L’insécurité alimentaire est en effet accentuée par le conflit contre Boko Haram qui a fait fuir des milliers de déplacés internes.

An Afghanistan Apportionment

American media and other politicians, and the people they pay to say things, are locked up tight with the demise in Afghanistan. How could anyone let this happen? Who’s to blame for these precipitous – they claim — events? What awful chaos at the airport! The answers are as vacuous as the questions.

Two decades of American sacrifice was too few years for them.

Trump calls Afghanistan collapse ‘most humiliating’ moment for US

Former President Donald Trump described the recent events in Afghanistan as the worst humiliation in American history but defended the agreement his administration struck with the Taliban last year.

“It’s a great thing that we’re getting out, but nobody has ever handled a withdrawal worse than Joe Biden,” the former president told Fox News Tuesday.

Syria regime continues violating Daraa ceasefire amid ongoing negotiations

Syrian regime forces continued to violate a newly signed ceasefire agreement in the southern city of Daraa in the early hours of Monday morning, shelling several areas of the city as well as the towns of Yadouda and Tafas in Daraa province.

The “Free People of Houran” media activist group reported that rebels in the Daraa Al-Balad area of Daraa clashed with troops from the regime’s Fourth Division, which is led by President Bashar Al-Assad’s brother, Maher.