Près de 400 milliards d’euros. C’est le montant de la dette publique extérieure des pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Chine, Banque mondiale, Club de Paris, créanciers privés… Auprès de qui l’Afrique est-elle endettée ? La réponse, pays par pays, en infographies.
The two-decade war in Afghanistan has given U.S. spies a perch for keeping tabs on terrorist groups that might once again use the beleaguered nation to plan attacks against the U.S. homeland. But that will end soon.
The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan is leaving intelligence agencies scrambling for other ways to monitor and stop terrorists. They’ll have to depend more on technology and their allies in the Afghan government — even as it faces an increasingly uncertain future once U.S. and NATO forces depart.
Nearly 3.4 million Syrians are at risk of losing access to humanitarian aid facilitated through UN Security Council Resolution 2533, expiring on July 10.
The Security Council will vote today on two resolutions to extend Syria’s cross-border aid, after deliberations over the number of approved border crossings, time frames, and potential vetoes.
Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT) Komjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar mengungkapkan tantangan utama penanggulangan terorisme di masa pandemi Covid-19 kini muncul di media internet.
The 1697 Treaty of Ryswick legalized French control over the western third of the island of Hispaniola – a Spanish asset – under the name of Saint-Domingue. The colony proved to be a valuable spigot of wealth. In 1789, Saint-Domingue supplied two-thirds of the overseas trade of France and was the greatest individual market for the European slave trade. It was a bigger source of income for its owners than the whole of Britain’s 13 North American colonies combined. The labour of half-a-million slaves propped up the dazzling opulence of the French commercial bourgeoisie, and formed the hidden foundations of cities like Bordeaux, Nantes and Marseille. In August 1791, after two years of the French Revolution and its ripple effects in Saint-Domingue, the slaves revolted.
Majoritatea trupelor Marii Britanii din Afganistan au fost retrase, a declarat joi premierul Boris Johnson, punând capăt participării Londrei la conflictul de două decenii din această ţară, pe fondul temerilor că plecarea soldaţilor străini ar putea duce la un război civil haotic, relatează Reuters. Autorităţile afgane au desfăşurat mii de soldaţi pentru a contracara o vastă ofensivă a talibanilor în nordul ţării.
Si para Estados Unidos Afganistán es la última derrota de su última guerra imperial, para los europeos es una catástrofe en sordina
Todo va mal en Afganistán. Regresan aquellos fantasmas históricos que expulsaron a todos los invasores y amargaron los últimos días de los regímenes títere por ellos instalados. El más antiguo y acreditado, hasta convertirse en concepto geopolítico, es el Gran Juego, la rivalidad entre Rusia y el imperio británico por dominar este vientre blando de Asia, de imposible control por las potencias extranjeras desde tiempos milenarios. Los más recientes bien podrían llamarse Saigón y Phnom Penh, las espinas clavadas en la historia de Estados Unidos, derrotada en Vietnam y Camboya.
Orbán échafaude discrètement des plans pour maintenir son influence sur le pays même s’il perd les élections.
Une carte blanche de Zsuzsanna Szelényi, ancienne politicienne hongroise, experte en politique étrangère, qui a commencé sa carrière au sein du Fidesz, qu’elle a représenté au parlement de 1990 à 1994. Elle est actuellement membre de l’Académie Robert Bosch.
Nem először tölt el csodálattal a szempontváltás képessége, amely olyannyira jellemzi a Fideszt. Bámulatos például, ahogy a többségi, autokráciába hajló (díszlet)demokrácia itthoni hívei, a váratlan és rekordgyorsaságú jogalkotás mesterei uniós színtéren a konszenzuális döntéshozatal szerelmeseivé vedlenek át.