What is ISIS-K? Two terrorism experts on the group behind the deadly Kabul airport attack and its rivalry with the Taliban

An attack on a crowd gathered outside Kabul’s airport on Aug. 26, 2021, has left at least 100 people dead, including at least 13 U.S. troops. ISIS-K claimed responsibility for the coordinated suicide bomb and gun assault, which came just days after President Joe Biden warned that the group – an affiliate of the Islamic State group operating in Afghanistan – was “seeking to target the airport and attack U.S. and allied forces and innocent civilians.”

Cine este adevăratul câștigător al războiului din Afganistan și care e compromisul făcut de SUA în ultimele două decenii de luptă

Pakistanul a fost aparent partenerul SUA în războiul împotriva grupării teroriste Al Qaeda și împotriva talibanilor. Armata pakistaneză a câștigat zeci de miliarde de dolari de pe urma ajutoarelor americane din ultimele două decenii, chiar dacă Washingtonul a recunoscut ulterior că o mare parte din acești bani au dispărut în direcții care nu au fost contabilizate.

ISIS attacked Syrian Army base in Deir Ezzor

ISIS terrorists attacked Hashemiyon forces at the gate of the town Salehiyah, west of Al-Bukamal and after one hour of the conflict escaped to southern deserts. In this attack four of Hashemiyon forces and 13 others wounded. The wounded transported to a hospital in Mayadin.

Indignation in Idleb about al-Nusra’s Loyalty to its Ally Taliban

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham forced locals in Idleb to celebrate the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan, sparking the anger of citizens, according to al-Watan.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) adopted the “victory” for the Taliban movement in its control of Afghanistan, by continuing celebrations in support of al-Fateh al-Mubeen and issuing a statement considered as a ” pledge of allegiance” to the radical Islamist movement’s approach. These events provoked a wave of discontent and indignation among the local population in Idleb, where the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda rules its hegemony.

Efforts to Save Russian Roadmap in Southern Syria After It Faltered in Daraa

Russia is trying to salvage the settlement agreement it sponsored in southern Syria, but the situation in Daraa keeps worsening, according to Asharq al-Awsat.

Efforts intensified on Wednesday to save the “Russian roadmap” after the failure to implement an agreement reached by the Central Negotiating Committee in Daraa al-Balad with the Syrian regime delegation under the auspices of Russia, with the participation of the Fifth Division.

Syria regime targets Daraa with rockets as negotations falter

Syrian regime forces shelled Daraa on Thursday as disagreements between the local negotiation committee and residents caused the truce to collapse.

Syrian regime forces launched a flurry of rockets and artillery at the southern city of Daraa Al-Balad and surrounding towns on Thursday, as a deal to end a two-month siege on the opposition region collapsed.

Turkey won’t help at Kabul airport without its own security -officials

Turkey will not help run Kabul airport after NATO’s withdrawal unless the Taliban agree to a Turkish security presence, two officials told Reuters after deadly attacks outside the airport highlighted the perils of any such mission.

The Taliban have asked Turkey for technical help to run the airport after next Tuesday’s deadline for all foreign military forces to pull out of Afghanistan, an ultimatum they say applies equally to Turkish troops.

Più che la democrazia, abbiamo esportato inflazione e rancore

La resa dei conti. Investito in sviluppo un 20° di quanto speso per guerreggiare. E solo un decimo di quel 20° è finito in progetti agricoli, per un popolo a cui non restava altro che coltivare oppio. A chi presentare il conto della disfatta? I paesi Nato potrebbero almeno accollarsi, in proporzione al Pil, l’impegno di dare ospitare le migliaia di profughi in fuga