How Global Jihad Relocalises and Where it Leads. The Case of HTS, the Former AQ Franchise in Syria


The territories ruled by the Syrian opposition are being reorganised. The leaderless revolution has given way to a seizure of power by vanguardist and ideological organisations, be it the PYD in the northeast or HTS, the former local branch of AQ, in Idlib. However, these organisations cannot resist the regime’s military threat to reconquer the territories or the Turkish intervention by themselves. They need to manage the internationalisation of the conflict to protect themselves and find space in the broader strategic game around Syria. This is the strategy of HTS. After emerging from the matrix of AQ’s global jihad, since 2017 HTS has sought to ‘institutionalise’ the revolution by imposing its military hegemony and full control of the institutions of local governance. The group has thus marginalised the revolutionary milieu, other Islamists and the threat posed by AQ supporters and IS cells in Idlib. HTS’s domination was followed by a policy of gradual opening and mainstreamisation. The group has had to open up to local communities and make concessions, especially in the religious sphere. HTS is seeking international acceptance with the development of a strategic partnership with Turkey and desires to open dialogue with Western countries. Overall, HTS has transformed from formerly being a salafi jihadi organisation into having a new mainstream approach to political Islam.

Introduction: Undesired Winners in Search of ‘Truce Politics’

“The revolution, like Saturn, devours its own children,” said Georg Büchner.1 The Syrian scenarioconfirms this formula. After an early phase of leaderless revolution, the most structured avant-gardeorganisations stemming from internationalist movements classified as ‘terrorist’ and consideredinternational pariahs have ultimately prevailed: the PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat) in the northeastand Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the northwest.

Each group has imposed its control and institutionalised the insurrectionary dynamic according to itsideological and organisational leanings. However, their consolidation of power is ambivalent. It iscertainly based on a “confiscation of the revolution,” as their detractors claim.2 But it would be wrongto think only in terms of revolution hijacking. These groups’ interactions with their local revolutionarycontexts and geostrategic environments – regional and international – have profoundly transformedthem too. An analysis of power politics in Idlib therefore necessitates a new understanding of how HTS’shegemonic project has benefited from its local and global contexts, as much as the constraints that thesecontexts have imposed on the group and transformed it in return. Far from being a mere academicexercise, an analysis of these interactions is rich in lessons for policymaking.

Many of former Afghan forces, abandoned by US, joining Daesh: WSJ

Many of Afghanistan’s US-trained spies and military personnel have joined the Daesh terrorist group after being abandoned by the United States, a new report has revealed.

Citing Taliban leaders and former Afghan security officials, The Wall Street Journal reported that several members of the former Afghan government’s intelligence and military apparatus joined Daesh, following the hasty withdrawal of the US-led coalition troops from the country in August.

Anti-Taliban Group Registers with US to Try to Build Afghan Resistance

U.S. officials have confirmed that a newly formed armed group resisting Taliban rule in Afghanistan has registered with the Justice Department to carry out political lobbying in the United States.

The confirmation came in response to claims by the anti-Taliban National Resistance Front (NRF) that its international office has “received authorization to officially open” in America.

Presa austriacă: OMV se va diviza, producția de petrol și gaze va fi înstrăinătată

Noua conducere a OMV, instalată recent, lucrează la restructurarea companiei „mamă” a Petrom. a cărei activitate urmează să se concentreze pe chimie, petrochimie și distribuție de carburanți. OMV ar urma să se împartă în două companii, una dintre ele fiind divizia de producție de energie, gaz, petrol, electricitate, care va fi delistată de la bursă și vândută, cel mai probabil, unui fond de investiții , urmând a încasa din această tranzacție între 6 și 8 miliarde euro, scrie ziarul austriac Kurier, citat de Reuters.

We Take Turkish Threats Against Northeast Syria Into Account: SDC

An SDC claimed that the Turkish threats against northeast Syria were taken into consideration, calling on Syrians to unite in the face of aggression, according to North Press.

The Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) takes Turkish threats against northeast Syria into consideration, SDC official spokesman, Amjad Othman, said on Monday.

Bulgaria deploys 350 troops to stop Syria, Afghan migrants from entering

Bulgaria has deployed 350 troops and military equipment to strengthen controls along its borders with Turkey and Greece to prevent migrant inflows, Reuters reported the Ministry of Defence saying today.

European Union member Bulgaria, which borders Turkey and Greece to the south, has experienced a gradual rise in migrant arrivals since July.

Bulgaria has detained about 6,500 migrants, mainly from Afghanistan and Syria, in the first nine months of the year, three times more than in the same period a year ago, data from the border police showed.

Renewed clashes | Opposition factions and regime forces trade fire in west Aleppo, while regime forces bombard Jabal al-Zawiyah

SOHR activists in the “de-escalation zone” have reported renewed heavy bombardment, in the early hours of Tuesday morning, on the frontlines of Miznaz and Kafrnouran in western Aleppo between opposition factions on one hand and the regime forces and their proxy faction on the other.

Meanwhile, regime factions have bombarded positions in Sfouhen, al-Futirah, Bayanin, and Fulayfil in the southern countryside of Idlib, amid flights by reconnaissance drones over Idlib.

Military maneuver in north-east Syria three days on | Russian forces prepare to start new military exercises in Ain al-Arab (Kobani)

SOHR activists have reported that Russian air and ground forces will start military maneuvers in Ain al-Arab (Kobani) countryside today, particularly in Abou Sourah and Sareen regions.

It is worth noting that one fighter jet and two helicopters will take part in the maneuvers.

Yesterday, SOHR activists reported seeing Russian helicopters flying over Tel Abyad countryside near the frontlines with Turkish forces and their proxy factions in the “Peace Spring” areas.