US tank sale to bolster Polish forces as allies focus on Russia’s movements

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Friday that the U.S. will sell 250 M1A2 Abrams tanks to Poland, giving a key NATO ally that borders Russia a substantial boost in firepower.

Adding the tanks to the Polish arsenal will ensure more equitable security burden-sharing in NATO, he said, although he noted that no delivery date has been set.


Policy differences between Europe and Africa have been widening, and while there may be warm words about a new partnership when the leaders of the EU and African Union meet in Brussels, there are unlikely to be breakthroughs on key African demands.

If President Biden Believes Putin Has Decided To Invade Ukraine, Why Wait To Impose Sanctions?

President Biden claimed at a brief press conference yesterday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has already decided to invade Ukraine in the coming days. He reportedly received information that Russia has Ukraine completely surrounded and that the Kremlin would be targetting Kyiv. This is a sudden turn-around for Biden, who had just stated 72 hours ago that no final decision from Putin had been made to invade Ukraine. This follows an earlier prediction made by the White House that Russia would invade Ukraine on February 16th.

Evguéni Prigojine évoque les récents développements sur le continent africain

Evguéni Prigojine, homme d’affaires russe, a donné une interview exclusive sur la société militaire privée Wagner qui a récemment attiré l’attention de l’opinion publique mondiale.

« Je voudrais encore une fois souligner que la société militaire privée Wagner comme phénomène n’existe pas. Il s’agit de la légende de Robin des Bois. On lie tout ce qu’il se passe de bien dans le monde avec les Russes, et tous les Russes avec le groupe Wagner », a fait savoir Evguéni Prigojine.

The EU Seeks Unity on Its Response to the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Seventy presidents and prime ministers from Europe and Africa are gathered today in Brussels for a long-awaited European Union-African Union summit, the sixth such summit between the two blocs. But ahead of that gathering, Europe’s 27 leaders huddled together for an emergency meeting to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.