Iran crossing nuke uranium enrichment threshold ‘cannot be avoided’ – IAEA

The nuclear agency vote could lead to a UN Security Council vote and snap back global sanctions against Iran, which could impact even Russia and China.

Not only has Iran failed to reduce concerns about its violations of the nuclear nonproliferation safeguards agreement, it also will eventually cross the uranium enrichment threshold, International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Rafael Grossi said Monday.

American spy agencies review their misses on Ukraine, Russia

The question was posed in a private briefing to U.S. intelligence officials weeks before Russia launched its invasion in late February: Was Ukraine’s leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, made in the mold of Britain’s Winston Churchill or Afghanistan’s Ashraf Ghani?

Russia hits Kyiv with missiles; Putin warns West on arms

Russia took aim Sunday at Western military supplies for Ukraine, launching airstrikes on Kyiv that it claimed destroyed tanks donated from abroad, as Vladimir Putin warned that any Western deliveries of longer-range rocket systems would prompt Moscow to hit “objects that we haven’t yet struck.”

Big Pharma, noul balaur cu şapte capete

Ce înseamnă „Big Pharma” ? Înseamnă industria farmaceutică sau, mai precis, primele 5 sau 10 (depinde de natura clasamentului) cele mai mari companii farmaceutice mondiale, producători de medicamente adică.

Researchers Find Large Cost Benefits For Companies With Machiavellian CEOs

Narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism are ubiquitous among CEOs, despite ample evidence that these dark personality traits pose financial and managerial risks to organizations. Their prevalence on corporate boards — nearly three times the general population — suggests that on some levels anti-social behavior may benefit business management. A new study published in the Strategic Management Journal in May reveals one such instance, finding that companies with Machiavellian CEOs have a net income savings of over 6.6% on firm costs.

Inflation Outlook: A Battle Lost Before It Started

After months of consumer price increases and after countless working households found themselves in dire financial straits struggling to make ends meet, in the late May, President Biden finally revealed his grand plan to fight inflation in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal. The much-anticipated response to the cost of living crisis that has been ravaging the nation sadly did not contain the silver bullet that so many Americans were hoping for. Instead, it consisted of obvious observations and a recipe for “business as usual”.

Robert Reich: Financing Gunmakers

After a mass shooting in Parkland, Florida in February 2018, that left 17 people dead, JPMorgan Chase — America’s largest bank — publicly distanced itself from the firearm industry. Its chief financial officer reassured the media that the bank’s relationships with gunmakers “have come down significantly and are pretty limited.”

Ile kosztuje suwerenność?

Więc ma być tak – szefowa Komisji Europejskiej Ursula von der Leyen przyjedzie do Warszawy i ogłosi odblokowanie unijnych funduszy w ramach Krajowego Planu Odbudowy. Bagatela – 35 miliardów euro. W zamian ma dostać ustawę likwidującą Izbę Dyscyplinarną Sądu Najwyższego.

Ohne Ungarn ist die EU stärker

Viktor Orbán und Recep Tayyip Erdogan gehen vielen Europäern mächtig auf die Nerven. Sie torpedieren die Einigkeit gegen Wladimir Putins Krieg.

Der türkische Präsident blockiert die Aufnahme Finnlands und Schwedens in die Nato. Der ungarische Premier das sechste Sanktionspaket der EU.