Unthinkable Rhetoric: Nuclear Weapons and the Ukraine War

Protests have erupted around the world against Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons. But any country in possession of nuclear weapons also puts us all in perpetual danger. (Photo: Kwh1050/Creative Commons)

At the outset of his invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin  declared  that other countries “will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history” if they intervened.

MBS and Putin: Why Talk to One and Not the Other?

President Biden is confronted with two decisions: The first is whether to go to Saudi Arabia this summer to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) to try to persuade him to increase his country’s oil output. The second is whether to speak directly with Vladimir Putin to try to end the war in Ukraine. Neither outreach is a form of recognition; it is a necessity for much larger considerations.

Proxy war or not, Ukraine shows why moral hazards matter

In late April, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused NATO of waging a “proxy” war against Russia by supporting Ukraine as it defended itself from a Kremlin invasion. “War means war,” he said ominously, implying that the Alliance is stoking Ukraine’s resistance to advance its own interests.

Palestinians: The House Demolitions and Land-Grabs No One Talks About

The raid on the village came after the Hamas-controlled Land Authority in the Gaza Strip ruled that the residents must be evacuated because they had built their homes on “state-owned” lands.

Sources in the Gaza Strip said that there are 28 more villages slated for demolition by Hamas on the pretext that they were illegally built on public lands.

Europe Can Learn From Germany’s Experience With Migration’s Impact

They were noticeable for seeming slightly lost at the train stations where they arrived and were greeted by volunteers providing assistance. A call from friends trying to find a place to stay for a recently arrived family would lead to a collective scramble to contact local welfare agencies. In the months that followed, chance meetings at a bar, football match or the workplace would lead a circle of friends to extend invitations to some of the newcomers, who in time would become familiar faces.

L’Éthiopie étudie la possibilité de négociations de paix avec le TPLF

En Ethiopie, le Premier ministre Abiy Ahmed a évoqué publiquement pour la première fois la possibilité de négociations de paix avec les rebelles du Tigré.

Il a démenti le fait que des pourparlers secrets étaient déjà en cours avec le Front de libération du peuple du Tigré (TPLF), mais a affirmé que le gouvernement avait formé un comité chargé d’examiner l’éventualité de négociations entre les deux camps. Ce comité sera dirigé par le vice Premier ministre et ministre des affaires étrangères Demeke Mekonen.

Au Mozambique, au moins sept morts et 10 000 nouveaux déplacés après de récentes attaques djihadistes

Le pays est en proie depuis 2017 à des violences qui ont déjà fait près de 4 000 morts et forcé environ 800 000 personnes à fuir.

Au moins sept personnes ont été tuées, dont quatre décapitées, dans de récentes attaques djihadistes dans le nord-est du Mozambique. Ces violences touchent désormais des zones relativement épargnées jusque-là et provoquent un nouveau déplacement massif de populations. Selon l’ONU et l’ONG Save the Children, 10 000 personnes ont fui leur foyer au cours de la semaine écoulée.

Darfour : les dernières violences tribales ont fait au moins 145 morts

Les récents affrontements au Soudan ont fait au moins 145 morts et blessé plus de 180 autres depuis le début du mois de juin selon l’ONU. Les violences ont eu lieu dans la région de Kulbus, dans l’ouest du Darfour, à 100 km au nord d’El Geneina, la capitale de cet État en proie à des troubles.

Iran Opens Ababil-2 Drone Factory in Tajikistan: Reasons and Implications

On May 16–17, with much of the attention in Eurasia still fixated on the Russian-Ukrainian war, the chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, paid a visit to Tajikistan, where he met with President Emomali Rahmon and senior military officials. In the most important event of this trip, General Bagheri and his hosts inaugurated the opening of an Iranian Ababil-2 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) factory in the Tajikistani capital of Dushanbe (Tasnim News, May 17).