The Ukrainian War and a New World Order

The war in Ukraine poses numerous questions: What will be the country’s fate?; what will happen to the Ukrainian people?; will Russia be held accountable?; and what is the U.S.’s role in the war? One question that often goes unasked is: what does the war say about the nature of the international world order?

Iraq targets desert ‘wali’ and braces for impact of possible conflict

Counterterrorism operations in Iraq’s western desert have resulted in the killing of an Islamic State leader as regional tensions rise across the border ahead of a likely Turkish military operation in northern Syria.

Iraq has in recent weeks stepped up counterterrorism operations in its western desert and other areas amid risks of an imminent flare-up of conflict in eastern Syria, with potential repercussions in the regional fight against the Islamic State (IS).

Iran replaces IRGC’s intelligence chief

Taeb’s apparent dismissal comes after Israeli media outlets identified him as masterminding plots against Israeli citizens in Turkey.

Iran has replaced the head of the intelligence unit for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Hossein Taeb, the IRGC confirmed on Thursday.

Arabs to Biden: Shut Down Iran’s ‘Expansionist Project’

Ahead of Biden’s visit, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, in a clear message to the US administration and other Western powers, affirmed that any nuclear agreement or future negotiations with Iran must address the Iranians’ “destabilizing behavior in the region, their support for terrorist militias, and their missile program.”

Crises of migrants and refugees–where should homeless millions go?

The history of humankind of the past hundred years have thrown up a gamut of emotions and heart-wrenching crises. An accentuating challenge is the displacement of millions upon millions of peoples throughout the planet. People are forced to flee or migrate from their homeland or places of birth for a variety of reasons. At the international level United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees holds annual consultations with Governments and Non-governmental Organizations to address the worsening crises.

The Geopolitics of the New Cold War

From his first days in office, Joe Biden and his national security advisers seemed determined to revive America’s fading global leadership via the strategy they knew best — challenging the “revisionist powers” Russia and China with a Cold War-style aggressiveness. When it came to Beijing, the president combined the policy initiatives of his predecessors, pursuing Barack Obama’s “strategic pivot” from the Middle East to Asia, while continuing Donald Trump’s trade war with China. In the process, Biden revived the kind of bipartisan foreign policy not seen in Washington since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

Corne de l’Afrique: une première conférence de paix chinoise au résultat mitigé

La première conférence de paix chinoise pour la Corne de l’Afrique s’est clôturé mardi à Addis-Abeba. Habituellement discrète sur le terrain politique, Pékin a récemment nommé un envoyé spécial pour la région. Les différentes parties se sont accordées sur la résolution commune des conflits dans la région. Malgré cette déclaration d’intention, le sommet qui a duré deux jours, n’a pas rencontré l’engouement espéré par la Chine.

Nigéria : une grave crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle touche 4 millions de personnes dans le nord-est (ONU)

Alors que le nord-est du Nigéria continue d’être confronté à une insurrection djihadiste et une grave crise humanitaire, 4,1 millions de personnes risquent de subir une grave insécurité alimentaire en cette période de soudure, ont alerté ce mardi un haut responsable humanitaire de l’ONU, relevant qu’une aide urgente est nécessaire pour éviter une « grave crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle ».