Întrebarea Zilei: Este Rusia de astăzi aceeași ca și Rusia din 1945?

Întrebarea Zilei: Este Rusia de astăzi aceeași ca și Rusia din 1945?

Sterie Ciumetti: Multă lume cu care suntem noi în contact se referă la Rusia ca fiind aceeași țară ca cea din trecut, cu aceleași apucături și aceeași agresivitate cu cea din perioada sovietică. Este Rusia de astăzi aceeași ca și Rusia din 1945?

Erdogan, Putin set to meet in Tehran

The Turkish, Iranian and Russian leaders are set to meet in Tehran next week amid lingering Turkish threats against Syrian Kurdish groups. Putin and Erdogan will separately discuss the Ukrainian grain crisis.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian leader Vladimir Putin are set to meet in Tehran next week, with Ukrainian grain exports and a potential Turkish operation in Syria likely to top the agenda.

Iran weighs benefits of BRICS membership

While joining the bloc has its upsides, it will be extremely difficult for Tehran to get full benefits from BRICS without the complete lifting of Western sanctions.

Recently, Iran applied to join BRICS, a group consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. On a global level, this forum represents 40% of the world population and 26% of the world economy. According to IMF data, China has the largest economy in this grouping and accounts for more than 70% of the BRICS total worth of around $27.5 trillion, while India comes in second at 13% and Russia and Brazil comprise the remaining 7%.

Raisi says Iran will not retreat on demands in nuclear talks

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says that his country will not back down on its positions in the nuclear deal negotiations.

In a Cabinet meeting today, Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi discussed the ongoing deadlock with the United States over the nuclear negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Libyan Oil Production Declines By 50%

The Waha Company’s production declined by 50% to 145,000 barrels per day, after protesters at the Sidra port prevented oil tankers from entering for the second day in a row; This caused a reduction in the capacity of the port’s oil tanks. Oil production in Libya fell to 700,000 barrels per day in the second half of June, compared to 1,250 million barrels per day before implementing the closures of oil fields and ports by the protesters.

Will Quran’s War Of Gog And Magog Blow Up In The 21st Century

Inman Mohammed bin Abdul Karim al-Issa, the head of the Muslim World League, spoke of the Muslim obligation to bring hearts together during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Known for visiting Auschwitz and for his involvement in interfaith dialogue, he gave the main sermon at the height of the annual Hajj pilgrimage after being chosen earlier in the week for the role by Saudi Arabia’s de factor ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Inflation Is Money Supply Growth, Not Prices Denominated In Money

In the recent Wall Street Journal article “Inflation Surge Earns Monetarism Another Look,” Greg Ip writes that a recent surge in inflation is not likely to bring authorities to reembrace monetarism. According to Ip, money supply had a poor record of predicting US inflation because of conceptual and definitional problems that haven’t gone away.

Ναυάγιο στο Φαρμακονήσι: Πώς φτάσαμε στην ιστορική απόφαση

Η απόφαση του ΕΔΔΑ εκθέτει ανεπανόρθωτα την κυβέρνηση Σαμαρά, για πρακτικές που εφαρμόζει και σήμερα το Μαξίμου ● Γράφουν στην «Εφ.Συν.» εκπρόσωποι των τριών από τις πέντε οργανώσεις που προσέφυγαν στο ΕΔΔΑ για λογαριασμό των επιζώντων.

Europeans reject Israeli charges against Palestinian NGOs

Nine European countries said Tuesday that they have seen “no substantial evidence” to support Israel’s allegations that six Palestinian civil society groups are terrorist organizations and would not change their policies on supporting the groups.

The rare joint statement was a major rebuke of Israel, which backlisted the groups as terrorist organizations last October but has provided little evidence to support its allegations. The rights groups denied the allegations and accused Israel of escalating a long-standing crackdown on Palestinian opposition to its decades-long military rule.