Trăim epoca profețiilor satanice devenite realitate! (Viziunea extraordinară a regizorului de filme de groază Ari Aster)

Pentru că viața noastră de zi cu zi este în principal preocupată de chestiuni lumești într-o lume care pare relativ stabilă și prosperă – chiar și oamenii săraci nu mor de foame în Occident și dispun de facilități de bază – , cei mai mulți dintre noi nu conștientizează din ce perioadă extraordinară a istoriei facem parte. Este atât un blestem, cât și o binecuvântare, deoarece timpul nostru este atât epocal, cât și satanic.

World Refugees Day – OpEd

The world has been witnessing difficult situation for the refugees, living across the world due to ongoing global military conflicts. The ultimate targets, who suffered more in this situation, are refugees, be it Afghan or others. 20 June is an international day designated by the UN to honor refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.

Bitcoin drops below $20,000 as crypto selloff quickens

Bitcoin fell below the psychologically important threshold of $20,000 on Saturday for the first time since late 2020, in a fresh sign that the selloff in cryptocurrencies is deepening.

The price of the most popular cryptocurrency had plunged as much as 9.7% to less than $18,600 by late afternoon on the East Coast, according to the cryptocurrency news site CoinDesk. At some points during the day, it was below $18,000.

IS claims attack on Sikh temple in Afghan capital of Kabul

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for an attack on a Sikh temple in Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul that killed at least one worshipper and wounded seven others.

IS made the claim in a statement posted on its Amaq website late Saturday. It said the assault on “the Sikh and Hindu temple” was in response to alleged insults made against the Prophet Muhammad, the central figure of the Islamic religion, by an Indian government official. It did not name the official.

Ukraine Update: Ukraine-fatigue Is Setting In Around The World, Says British PM

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday stressed that the public needs to keep up its support of Ukraine after nearly four months of war.

Media reports said:

“The worry that we have is that a bit of Ukraine-fatigue is starting to set in around the world,” Johnson told reporters on the back of a trip to Kyiv. “It is very important to show that we are with them for the long haul and we are giving them that strategic resilience that they need.”

Saudi Crown Prince To Visit Egypt, Jordan, Turkey in Regional Tour

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will begin a tour of countries in the region beginning on Monday. The crown prince, known as MBS, will start his tour with Egypt and a meeting with President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi in Sharm el-Sheikh on Monday and then travel to Jordan for a meeting with King Abdullah in Amman on Tuesday, before a visit to Turkey on Wednesday.

Ne-au făcut servitorii Europei!

Eram un stat. Ne-au transformat în populație. Cândva, aveam cea mai puternică și stabilă monedă din Estul Europei. Parlamentele țărilor vecine cereau lui Ferdinand să-și extindă coroana. Regina Maria și-a căsătorit fiicele cu junii familiilor domnitoare din regiune. Visa la un Commenwealth balcanic.

Lessons from Japan’s Last Civil War for Taiwan

While attending the recent Shangri-La Dialogue on Security in Singapore, Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio stressed the need to oppose unilateral changes to the status quo by force, no matter where they occur. “I myself have a strong sense that Ukraine today may be East Asia tomorrow,” he warned. Needless to say, Kishida was referring to the possibility of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.