Rached Ghannouchi, his deputy face charges of sending Tunisians to hotspots overseas
TUNIS, Tunisia
Tunisian authorities on Sunday summoned Ennahda leader Rached Ghannouchi and his deputy for questioning on terrorism accusations.
“Ghannouchi and Ali Laarayedh will appear before the anti-terror unit on Monday to answer accusations of sending Tunisians to hotspots” overseas, Riadh Chaibi, a political adviser to Ghannouchi, told Anadolu Agency.
Le secrétaire général de l’Onu, Antonio Guterres, a admis l’impuissance des Casques bleus de la force onusienne en République démocratique du Congo, la Monusco, pour combattre la rébellion du Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23), active au Nord-Kivu, dans l’est de la RDC, et soutenue, selon Kinshasa, par le Rwanda.
Aux cris de « A bas la France » et « Vive Poutine et la Russie », les manifestants ont sillonné quelques rues de Niamey avant de tenir un meeting devant le siège de l’Assemblée nationale.
Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont manifesté pacifiquement dimanche 18 septembre dans les rues de Niamey, la capitale du Niger, pour protester notamment contre la force antidjihadiste française « Barkhane », tout en encensant la Russie, a constaté un journaliste de l’AFP. Aux cris de « “Barkhane” dehors », « A bas la France », « Vive Poutine et la Russie », les manifestants ont sillonné quelques rues de la capitale avant de tenir un meeting devant le siège de l’Assemblée nationale.
Présentée jeudi par le président tunisien Kaïs Saïed, une nouvelle loi électorale réduit le rôle des partis politiques au Parlement. Selon ce texte, les Tunisiens éliraient leurs députés individuellement et non plus en votant pour une liste présentée par un parti politique. Un changement qui affaiblirait l’influence des formations politiques.
L’organisation caritative espagnole Open Arms a secouru 372 personnes qui tentaient de traverser la Méditerranée centrale pour rejoindre l’Europe à bord d’embarcations en mauvais état lors de trois opérations menées sur une période de 24 heures.
As we provide Ukraine with increasingly powerful weapons systems, we are mindful of how they will be used. According to the BBC, the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) we have sent to Ukraine has a maximum effective range of approximately 50 miles. They have been used to good effect to destroy enemy command and control centers and supply depots. This cuts off the Russians from what they need to move forward with an attack. It’s a good strategy and has worked well so far for the Ukrainians.
China is still circling Taiwan, conducting daily military exercises, months after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the country. Now that tensions are rising, with various diplomatic conversations between the US and China happening, Biden says he’s ready to deploy US troops if and when the need arises.
Executive summary The number of cyber operations launched from Russia over the last few years is astounding, ranging from the NotPetya malware attack that cost the global economy billions, to the SolarWinds espionage campaign against dozens of US government agencies and thousands of companies. Broad characterizations of these operations, such as “Russian cyberattack,” obscure the very real and entangled web of cyber actors within Russia that receive varying degrees of support from, approval by, and involvement with the Russian government. This issue brief describes the large, complex, and often opaque network of cyber actors in Russia, from front companies to patriotic hackers to cybercriminals. It analyzes the range and ambiguity of the Russian government’s involvement with the different actors in this cyber web, as well as the risks and benefits the Kremlin perceives or gets from leveraging actors in this group. The issue brief concludes with three takeaways and actions for policymakers in the United States, as well as in allied and partner countries: focus on understanding the incentive structure for the different actors in Russia’s cyber web; specify the relationship any given Russian actor has or does not have with the state, and calibrate their responses accordingly; and examine these actors and activities from Moscow’s perspective when designing policies and predicting the Kremlin’s responses.