The role of UK intelligence services in the abduction, murder of James Foley

On 19 August, 2014, ISIS released a video of the beheading of American journalist James Foley who was kidnapped by the terrorist organization in 2012 while reporting on the conflict in Syria.

Foley’s shocking execution became one of the most widely followed news stories of the Syrian war. Foley’s killer, Mohammed Emwazi, popularly known as “Jihadi John” by the western media, was a Kuwaiti-born Brit from West London. In the Foley execution video, Emwazi’s unmistakable London accent can be heard.

Turkey’s strikes in Syria put US troops in danger, Pentagon says

A Turkish drone strike on a top Kurdish commander’s headquarters came within 130 meters of US troops in Syria on Tuesday.

The Pentagon warned on Wednesday that Turkey’s airstrikes against Kurdish forces in northeast Syria endanger US troops and threaten to undermine years of progress in the war against the Islamic State.

Erdogan says meeting with Syria’s Assad is ‘possible’

The Turkish president adds that “there is no resentment or bitterness in politics.”

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has aired fresh interest in a possible meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as Ankara is doubling down on its threat for a ground operation against Syrian Kurdish groups. 

Syrian National Army police clashes with peaceful protesters in al-Bab

The police of the Syrian National Army assaulted protesters near the city of al-Bab following civil protests calling for controlling the security situation in the city and holding the killers of a prominent activist accountable.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense said on its official Twitter page, “It’s payback time,” in reference to last week’s attack in Istanbul that Turkey blamed on Syrian Kurdish forces, threatening more escalation.

Masacre, jafuri, violuri și niciun ajutor pentru autorități – cum a „menținut pacea” în Mali grupul de mercenari Wagner

Mercenarii din gruparea militară privată Wagner, trimiși oficial în Mali pentru menținerea păcii, au comis, în primul an petrecut în statul african, crime în masă, violuri, jafuri și atacuri asupra civililor, arată un raport întocmit de analiștii implicați în proiectul All Eyes on Wagner (AEOW), scrie publicația rusă independentă Meduza.

Russie-Ukraine : des eurodéputés veulent sanctionner Alger

Dix-sept députés européens demandent à Ursula von der Leyen et à l’Union européenne de réviser l’Accord d’association avec l’Algérie, au motif qu’elle apporterait un « soutien politique, logistique et financier » à la Russie dans la guerre contre l’Ukraine.

Boko Haram fighters kill 10 Chadian soldiers near Nigeria border

Boko Haram militants killed at least 10 Chadian soldiers in an attack on a military unit in Lake Chad province near the Nigerian border on Tuesday, Chad’s government said in a statement.

The unit had been dispatched as a precursor to setting up an army post on the island of Bouka-Toullorom, between the villages of Ngouboua and Kaiga, where Boko Haram has carried out several offensives in recent years.

Mali bans French NGOs as diplomatic row deepens

Mali’s junta announced on Monday a ban on the activities of NGOs funded or supported by France, including humanitarian groups, amid a worsening row between Paris and Bamako.

The West African nation’s interim Prime Minister Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga justified the move in a statement on social media, calling it a response to France’s recent halt to development aid for Mali.

Turkey strikes near US base in Syria after Pentagon calls for de-escalation

The US military says it opposes Ankara’s plans to send ground troops against Syria’s Kurds, but it has stood down in the face of similar attacks in the past.

A suspected Turkish drone strike hit a Kurdish-led militia base in northeast Syria on Tuesday, killing two members of a local US-backed Syrian counterterrorism unit and wounding three others, spokespeople for the group told Al-Monitor.