Kosovo: Implementation Of Brussels-Washington Agreements And Path To Enduring Peace, Long-Term Stability – Analysis

The latest developments at the north of Kosovo are reminiscent of the events from the nineties of the past century and threaten to escalate into conflict.

Over the past several years there was a noticeable absence of EU- mediated dialogue between official Belgrade and Pristina. The responsibility does not rest just with the participants in the dialogue but also with the EU and the entire international community, which has proven to be inert and ineffective in Kosovo and the Western Balkans. The billions of euros/dollars of EU and US taxpayers’ money that were spent have yielded modest results. 

Le plan de découpage de la Russie

« Depuis des décennies, l’idée de démanteler l’Union soviétique et la Russie est constamment cultivée dans les pays occidentaux. Malheureusement, à un moment donné, l’idée d’utiliser l’Ukraine pour atteindre cet objectif a été conçue. En fait, c’est pour empêcher un tel développement que nous avons lancé l’opération militaire spéciale (OMS). C’est précisément ce que certains pays occidentaux – sous la houlette des États-Unis – cherchent à faire : créer une enclave anti-russe et nous menacer de ce côté. Empêcher que cela ne se produise est notre objectif premier. » (Vladimir Poutine)

Геополитика Суши: Россия и евразийство

Александр Дугин
Русские и германские элементы в становлении геополитики-2

Мы рассмотрели основные направления в англосаксонской атлантистской геополитике — в геополитике-1. Она представляет собой взгляд на мир со стороны «цивилизации Моря», «морского могущества» и рассматривает мир как поле для укрепления и расширения зоны атлантистского контроля. В качестве главного объекта такой геополитики выступает ее «противоположность» — «цивилизация Суши», Heartland, Евразия, «континент».

Иран вынужден торпедировать турецко-британско-израильскую конструкцию на Южном Кавказе

Исмаил Шабанов

Уже сейчас иранцы видят, что вырисовываются конкретные угрозы в отношении их государственных интересов. Стремление Турции прибрать все три страны региона под свой контроль, чревато последствиями для Ирана. Это усиленно маскируется под разные формулы сотрудничества, но иранцы понимают, как в перспективе будет складываться ситуация. Они, в свою очередь, готовятся к разным сценариям. Вместе с тем, Иран заинтересован в выстраивании хороших отношений со всеми странами Закавказья, в том числе и с Азербайджаном, и с Грузией. Но учитывая то, что Азербайджан все эти годы вел в отношении Ирана политику с двойным дном, находясь под неоспоримым влиянием Израиля, Турции и Великобритании, иранцам стратегически важно иметь хорошие и тесные отношения с Арменией. И если уже и Турция вместе с Азербайджаном стремятся ворваться в стратегические сферы жизни армянского государства, то Ирану сам Бог велел не отставать, а опережать. Иран является тем государством, который может изменить расклад в регионе. Армения может сыграть в этом не последнюю роль.

Wave Of Anti-Regime Protests In Southern Syria: Long Live Syria; Down With Bashar Al-Assad

Several weeks ago a wave of protests and demonstrations broke out in Syria, especially in the Al-Suwayda and Daraa governorates in the south, which are officially under the rule of the regime but where the regime’s security control is weak. The protests include expressions of opposition to the regime and its head, President Bashar Al-Assad, and slogans reminiscent of the first stages of the Syrian uprising in 2011, such as “the people want to topple the regime,” “long live Syria and down with Bashar Al-Assad,” and “Syria belongs to us, not to the Assad family.” There were also calls to expel Iran and Hizbullah from Syria.

US slaps sanctions on Islamic State network in Turkey

The US Treasury Department designated four individuals and two entities accused of enabling the terrorist group’s recruitment and financial transfers.

The US Treasury Department on Thursday designated what it described as a Turkey-based financial network of the Islamic State (IS) that moved funds to and from Syria and Iraq. 

Wagner Group Continues Expanding Through West Africa

There are recent reports that the Russia-based Wagner Group is trying to expand its operations into Burkina Faso.

While officials within the government of Burkina Faso have denied this, there have been signs of closer relations with the Russian Federation that would make Wagner’s expansion into the country unsurprising.

Iran Escalates Crackdown in Latest Attempt to Quell Uprising

Iranian leaders are considering the possibility of offering concessions while simultaneously escalating their crackdown against protesters in an effort to quell the three-month-old uprising.

Hardliners in the regime believe that executing protesters will cause the woman-led unrest to subside.
Regime moderates have criticized the executions and seek to end enforcement of some of the restrictions that triggered the uprising.

Trends In Terrorism: What’s On The Horizon In 2023? – Analysis

The most defining feature of international terrorism in 2023 will be its diversity, reflected by the broad array of ideologies and grievances motivating plots and attacks. The Islamic State, the most significant terrorist threat since the global counterterrorism campaign to dismantle al-Qaeda in the immediate years following 9/11, has been attenuated in Iraq and Syria, losing two of its emirs in 2022. Outside of the Levant, Islamic State branches and affiliates remain potent, especially in the Sahel region of Africa and in South Asia, where the Islamic State Khorasan Province is waging a stubborn insurgency against the Taliban. The Islamic State Khorasan Province has launched high-profile attacks against both Russian and Chinese interests in Afghanistan. Still, Western counterterrorism successes may not be sustainable without a robust commitment to continue working with partners on the ground to ensure that these groups do not reconstitute. Without continued US and allied pressure, it is likely that Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and their respective branches and franchise groups could successfully rebuild their networks in the Middle East and beyond.