IntelBrief: French Withdrawal from Mali Leaves UN Peace Operation Vulnerable

Last Wednesday, November 9, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the end of Operation Barkhane, the counterterrorism operation established to address the jihadist threat in Mali.

The departure of French counterterrorism forces will leave the UN peace operation in Mali – the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) – increasingly vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

IntelBrief: United Arab Emirates Uses Vast Financial Resources to Influence U.S. Foreign Policy

According to the Washington Post, several U.S. officials discussed with journalists a classified assessment that portrays a vast, multifaceted effort by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to influence U.S. foreign policy.

The UAE funds various lobbying efforts, reports by influential U.S. think tanks, and recruitment of ex-U.S. officials to try to shift U.S. policy in ways favorable to it and allied Persian Gulf states.

Sahara occidental : Staffan de Mistura, mission impossible 2

Why the Country’s Elites Are Struggling to Break With Putin

Even in a war that has gone poorly for Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry’s November 9 announcement of a full retreat from the city of Kherson marked a special kind of disaster. Kherson was the first major Ukrainian city seized by Moscow after the invasion, and it was one of the four regions that Russia had illegally annexed just five weeks earlier, following sham referendums. In October, the city’s occupying authorities had plastered its streets with billboards declaring that Russia would be there “forever,” and Moscow had told Russian citizens that the city’s occupation was one of the war’s major successes. But by the time of the annexation, Russian forces were already struggling to hold their lines in the face of continued Ukrainian advances. Eventually, Russian leaders were forced to withdraw and to shore up defenses around Crimea and in the east.

From the History of Global Politics and International Relations: The Clausewitzian Viewpoint of War

The focal questions about war

In dealing from both theoretical and practical points of view about war, at least six fundamental questions arise: 1) What is war?; 2) What types of war exist?; 3) Why do wars occur?; 4) What is the connection between war and justice?; 5) The question of war crimes?; and 6) Is it possible to replace war with the so-called “perpetual peace”?

Russia’s Missing Peacemakers

Why the Country’s Elites Are Struggling to Break With Putin

Even in a war that has gone poorly for Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry’s November 9 announcement of a full retreat from the city of Kherson marked a special kind of disaster. Kherson was the first major Ukrainian city seized by Moscow after the invasion, and it was one of the four regions that Russia had illegally annexed just five weeks earlier, following sham referendums. In October, the city’s occupying authorities had plastered its streets with billboards declaring that Russia would be there “forever,” and Moscow had told Russian citizens that the city’s occupation was one of the war’s major successes. But by the time of the annexation, Russian forces were already struggling to hold their lines in the face of continued Ukrainian advances. Eventually, Russian leaders were forced to withdraw and to shore up defenses around Crimea and in the east.

Saldırı talimatı ABD menşeli hattan gelmiş

Terör saldırısını gerçekleştiren Suriye uyruklu kadın terörist Ahlam Albashir’in Taksim’e gelişi ve bombayı bıraktığı anlara ilişkin yeni görüntüleri ortaya çıktı. Saldırıyı gerçekleştiren terörist Ahlam Albashir de dahil gözaltındaki 51 şüpheliden 49’unun adliyeye sevk edildiği bildirildi.

Beyoğlu’ndaki saldırıya ilişkin yeni görüntü ve detaylara ulaşıldı

Saldırı sonrası şüpheli terörist Bilal Hassan’ı Edirne’ye kaçıran Ammar Jarkas’ın ifadesi sonrası çalışmayı derinleştiren ekipler, zanlıyı Edirne’de karşılayan Hüseyin Güneş’i (fotoğrafta) düzenledikleri operasyonla yakaladı / Fotoğraf: AA

Saldırının faili Albashır’ın saldırı günü bir araçla Taksim’e geldiği ve bir mağazada alışveriş yaptığı görüntülere ulaşıldı. Ayrıca Albashır ve firari şüpheli Bilal Hassan adına düzenlenmiş sahte evlilik belgesi tespit edildi