Israelis eliminate top Hamas terrorist Yahya Sinwar, but the war must go on

Last week, Israeli soldiers on patrol in Gaza encountered and eliminated Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas commander who plotted and implemented the invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, and the massacre that followed.

This long-anticipated milestone was a significant battle won in a war that will not soon end. To understand why, you need to understand who Sinwar was and the cause for which he fought.

From The MEMRI Archives – October 4, 2021: Hamas-Sponsored ‘Promise Of The Hereafter’ Conference For The Phase Following The Liberation Of Palestine And Israel’s ‘Disappearance’

Below is a report published by MEMRI on October 4, 2021:

The September 30, 2021 “Promise of the Hereafter[1] – Post-Liberation Palestine” conference, sponsored by Hamas leader in Gaza Yahyah Al-Sinwar and attended by senior officials from Hamas and other Palestinian factions, discussed preparations for the future administration of the state of Palestine following its “liberation” from Israel after the latter “disappears.”

Is Hezbollah Moving In?

The allegation that the party seeks to revive its military capabilities in non-Shiite areas is much easier said than done.

As the Lebanese watch with horror Israel’s systematic destruction of villages, towns, and neighborhoods in predominantly Shiite areas of Beirut’s southern suburbs, South Lebanon, and the Beqaa Valley, they are also thinking of the demographic implications this may have once the conflict ends.

Portugal’s Immigration Overhaul Hits South Asian Workers Hard

The possibility of a life-changing “raspberry passport” through agricultural work is fading for many South Asian workers, forcing already vulnerable people into even more precarious and often exploitative situations.

When Kamal Bhattarai first arrived in Portugal from Nepal on a tourist visa a decade ago, he hardly knew anyone. With limited Portuguese, for years he scraped by working odd jobs in restaurants and on farms hoping to build a new life for his family.

‘Died on the battlefield’: Displaced Palestinians react to Sinwar’s killing

From sadness to despair, anger to resignation, Sinwar’s death has shaken the people in Gaza.

Deir el-Balah, Gaza, Palestine – The killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has come as a shock to the displaced people in Gaza, who have endured a devastating war for more than a year.

Some wonder if Sinwar’s death signals the end of the war and a ceasefire. Others hold out little hope.

In the makeshift displacement camps of Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, those deeply affected by the war spoke to Al Jazeera.

Israël est fini en tant qu’État-nation. Voici pourquoi

Il est primordial de comprendre que l’État sioniste d’Israël ne sait résoudre les conflits qu’avec la force militaire et des réactions violentes. En raison de cette politique étrangère profondément ancrée depuis sa fondation en tant qu’État terroriste à part entière, il n’y a pas de place pour la négociation et/ou le compromis sur quoi que ce soit. Car cette tribu de meurtriers et de voleurs invétérés n’a jamais signé de traité ou de trêve, d’accord ou de pacte de bonne foi ; et ils ne le feront jamais. En fait, l’État d’apartheid d’Israël a été fondé par les formes les plus violentes de terrorisme ; il est soutenu par le terrorisme ; et ne peut exister à l’avenir que de la même manière.

Théorie de l’arc de crise : géopolitique et géostratégie

Les deux guerres en cours ont des origines différentes et lointaines.

Les causes de la guerre russo-ukrainienne, si l’on se limite au contexte régional, remontent aux émeutes de l’Euromaïdan de novembre il y a dix ans, à l’annexion ultérieure de la Crimée par la Russie, aux politiques anti-russophones mises en œuvre dans le Donbass par Kiev et les républiques séparatistes autoproclamées de Donetsk et de Louhansk. En revanche, le conflit israélo-palestinien, si l’on ne considère que la portée régionale, remonte à la guerre civile de juin 2007, lorsque le Hamas est parvenu à prendre le contrôle total de la bande de Gaza.