Iranian Religious Scholar Masoud Aali: If We Conquer Israel, We Will Be Able To Conquer The West

On October 24, 2024, Iranian religious scholar Masoud Aali stated in a speech aired on IRINN TV (Iran) that the Jews and the polytheists are the “most obstinate enemies” of the believers. He claimed that they view only Jews as humans, regarding others as slaves. Aali argued that Zionism has exported this Jewish philosophy worldwide and that conquering Israel is key to overcoming the West, and this is the reason for Western support of Israel. He said that Khomeini viewed the destruction of Israel as a religious idea and strategy. This speech was delivered at a memorial for martyrs of the resistance in Semnan.

Mali: MSF suspend ses opérations à Nampala (centre) faute de sécurité

Médecins Sans Frontières a annoncé mercredi suspendre ses opérations à Nampala (centre du Mali) après de récentes brutalités commises contre ses personnels et des agents de santé dans cette zone, l’un des foyers des violences au Sahel.

MSF impute dans un communiqué ces brutalités à “des hommes armés menant régulièrement des opérations militaires dans la zone”, sans préciser son propos. Depuis plusieurs mois, l’armée régulière et ses alliés du groupe paramilitaire Wagner mènent des opérations contre les groupes armés jihadistes, dont la Katiba Macina affiliée à Al-Qaïda.

Près de 600 migrants clandestins secourus en mer en dix jours au large des côtes sénégalaises

La Marine sénégalaise a porté secours mardi au large des côtes nationales à 183 migrants irrréguliers à bord d’une pirogue sur la route maritime de l’Europe, indique-t-elle sur les réseaux sociaux.

L’opération menée au large de Djiffer (ouest) non loin du point de départ de l’embarcation dans le delta du Saloum porte à 582 le nombre de migrants secourus en dix jours, selon les informations fournies par la Marine après trois interventions distinctes.

L’Italie signe des accords économiques avec la Libye pour lutter contre la migration irrégulière

A Tripoli, la cheffe du gouvernement italien, Giorgia Meloni, a rencontré le premier ministre libyen, Abdel Hamid Dbeibah, mardi 29 octobre.

La Libye et l’Italie ont signé mardi 29 octobre plusieurs accords dans les domaines des investissements et des infrastructures notamment, avec le but de renforcer la coopération entre les deux pays méditerranéens. Les accords ont été signés par le premier ministre libyen, Abdel Hamid Dbeibah, et la cheffe du gouvernement italien, Giorgia Meloni, dans le cadre du forum d’affaires Italie-Libye, qui s’est tenu à Tripoli après une interruption de dix ans.

Attaque de Boko Haram : le Tchad appelle la communauté internationale à l’aide

Le gouvernement du Tchad a appelé mardi la communauté internationale à intensifier son aide dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Boko Haram, au lendemain d’une attaque qui a tué une quarantaine de soldats.

Le gouvernement tchadien a appelé mardi 29 octobre la communauté internationale à intensifier son soutien dans la lutte anti-terroriste au Sahel, au lendemain d’une attaque du groupe Boko Haram qui a tué une quarantaine de soldats dans la région du lac Tchad, dans l’ouest du pays.

Iran Update, October 30, 2024

Qassem hinted at a possible shift in Hezbollah policy that would allow a Lebanon ceasefire to be separated from Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip. The new secretary general was less absolute regarding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip than Nasrallah had been before his death. Nasrallah had previously said that a ceasefire in Lebanon would have to be contingent on halting Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip. Qassem appeared less resolute by saying that Hezbollah would accept “appropriate” ceasefire conditions but insisted that “the basis for any negotiations is a ceasefire first.”[10] Qassem indicated on October 8 that the group may be open to a ceasefire that is not linked to the Gaza Strip.[11] Nasrallah had previously been very explicit that Hezbollah would not stop indirect fire attacks into Israel until the IDF withdrew from the Gaza Strip.[12] Nasrallah held this unambiguous position before Israel began ground operations in southern Lebanon, however. The shift in Hezbollah’s position may be a result of both new Hezbollah leadership and the escalation of a war that has temporarily degraded Hezbollah’s command, control, and logistical networks. Qassem said he believes that Hezbollah, not an international resolution, expelled Israel from Lebanon in 2006 and 2000, suggesting his reluctance to enter into a ceasefire agreement.[13]

Spotlight on Terrorism: Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria (October 14 – 28 ,2024)

The IDF forces continued maneuvering in south Lebanon, eliminating hundreds of Hezbollah terrorist operatives, locating and destroying facilities hidden in civilian sites, and locating large quantities of weapons. The Israeli Air Force continued airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in Beirut and other locations, killing senior Hezbollah leaders and field operatives in targeted attacks. Twenty-one IDF soldiers were killed in fighting in south Lebanon.

Naim Qassem vows Hezbollah will continue fighting

Naim Qassem, newly appointed as Hezbollah’s secretary-general, has become the centerpiece of the group’s narrative efforts. On October 15, as then-deputy secretary-general, he gave his third speech after Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination, amidst rumors he had fled Lebanon to Iran.

Against a dark and nondescript backdrop—perhaps to signify Hezbollah mourning its fallen leaders, particularly Nasrallah—and flanked by a Hezbollah flag and, unusually, a Lebanese flag on his right and a picture of Nasrallah to his left, Qassem delivered his most defiant speech yet. As with Nasrallah’s speeches, the themes and tropes raised by Qassem were then echoed and amplified by the group’s officials and media apparatuses.