Israël approuve un plan d’expansion des colonies sur le plateau du Golan

Le gouvernement Netanyahou a approuvé un plan pour étendre les colonies sur le plateau du Golan, motivé par le contexte de guerre en Syrie et la volonté de doubler la population israélienne sur place, selon The Jerusalem Post.

Le gouvernement israélien a approuvé ce dimanche 15 décembre un plan d’expansion des colonies israéliennes sur le plateau du Golan, expliquant qu’il avait agi «à la lumière de la guerre et du nouveau front auquel la Syrie est confrontée» et par souci de doubler la population israélienne sur le Golan, selon le journal israélien The Jerusalem Post.

Russia moves military equipment to its coastal bases in Syria

Satellite imagery reveals Russian military equipment concentration at Syria’s Tartus naval base and Khmeimim airbase for possible evacuation.

Satellite images reveal Russia concentrating military equipment at its two bases in Syria following the collapse of its ally Bashar al-Assad’s regime, Militarnyi reports. A major equipment withdrawal is expected.

Les États-Unis vers un national-capitalisme autoritaire ?

La réélection de Donald Trump marque un tournant pour les États-Unis. Ses premières mesures et ses promesses de campagne sous-tendent déjà une mutation du pays vers un modèle profondément autoritaire et nationaliste, censé promouvoir une nouvelle variété de capitalisme tissant des liens étroits avec le pouvoir politique. Un exercice du pouvoir dont les déclinaisons se retrouvent à Pékin ou à Budapest, et qui peut être conceptualisé sous le terme de national-capitalisme autoritaire (NaCA).

Understanding Syria’s pleasantly surprising new ruler Sharaa

In its second week after Assad, Syria continues to ride a wave of euphoria and hope, bolstered by pleasant surprises from its new de facto leader Ahmad al-Sharaa, formerly al-Jolani.

Over the weekend he told journalists that in the Middle East the Islamist Iran regime is the problem, and that he chooses diplomacy to settle disputes with Israel. And while the hardships of government will certainly complicate, and may even derail, Sharaa’s journey toward his stated goals, his start has been nothing short of excellent.

Palestinian security forces clash with militants in West Bank

At least one person was killed as Palestinian security forces clashed with Palestinian militants and set up checkpoints on Saturday in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, residents and medics said.

Gunshots and explosions could be heard in the city, where friction has risen in recent days between militant factions and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas following raids by the PA.

Turkey seeks to purge pro-US Kurdish force that helped defeat Islamic State in Syria

In apparent snub to US, Turkish foreign minister says ‘elimination’ of group is country’s ‘strategic goal’

Just hours after meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and discussing the fight against the Islamic State in Syria, Turkey’s foreign minister sent a shocking message to Washington by saying his country’s goal is to eliminate the main fighting force of the Syrian Kurds, which defeated ISIS in tandem with the U.S..

Turkey ready to offer military training to Syria if new administration requests, minister says

The new administration in Syria should be given a chance to govern following their constructive messages, and Turkey stands ready to provide military training if such help is requested, Turkish Defence Minister Yasar Guler said.

NATO member Turkey backed the Syrian rebels who toppled President Bashar al-Assad last weekend, ending a 13-year civil war. Turkey reopened its embassy in Damascus on Saturday, two days after its intelligence chief visited the Syrian capital.

The sanctions-busters funding Iran Bankers are fuelling terror

Donald Trump isn’t yet back in the White House — but his Iranian policy is clear. Like he did in his first term, he’ll pursue a vigorous policy against Tehran, hampering its nuclear programme and backing its rivals across the Middle East. If history is anything to go by, meanwhile, sanctions will be vital to this strategy, especially those targeting an Iranian oil sector worth billions of dollars each year.

The politicians lying about Syria History is being rewritten

Old grievances in Western politics have been reopened by the sudden fall of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. And they are as dispiriting in their dishonesty as they are myopic in their self-interest. On the one hand, we have the unrepentant interventionists convinced that the tyrant’s fall would have happened years earlier were it not for Ed Miliband’s recklessness in 2013, when he blocked British airstrikes. On the other, we have the unrepentant anti-interventionists, led by Miliband himself, who say the real criminals are those who recklessly pursued the Iraq war a decade earlier. To paraphrase Henry Kissinger, it’s a pity that both sides can’t lose this tedious and tendentious war of history that reveals far more about the failures of our political class than either side appears to understand.