Hizbullah-Affiliated Lebanese Academic Sadek Al-Naboulsi Issues Direct Threat Against U.S. Forces: Hizbullah’s UAVs Can Reach USS Gerald R. Ford; Remember The 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing
Hizbullah-affiliated Lebanese academic Sadek Al-Naboulsi warned the United States against using firepower against Hizbullah or the “resistance axis.” Speaking on an October 18, 2023 show that aired on the Lebanese Al-Jadeed TV channel, he said that the UAVs used by Hizbullah to reach Israel’s Karish gas field can reach the USS Gerald R. Ford. Al-Naboulsi said that the United States should remember what happened in the 1983 bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut. He added that the Islamic resistance has revived the hope that the Arabs can defeat “that entity that purports to be invincible.” Al-Naboulsi, who is a professor of political science at the Lebanese University, Beirut, called upon all Arab countries, including those that have signed peace and normalization agreements with Israel, to join a “full-on all-out war with the Israeli enemy” and drive the Americans out of the region.