Iran And The ‘Axis Of Resistance’ Vastly Improved Hamas’s Operational Capabilities – Analysis

For the past several years, Hamas has often been overlooked in discussions regarding the top global terrorist threats. The Islamic State and its worldwide network of affiliates occupy much of the counterterrorism bandwidth, along with al-Qaeda affiliates such as al-Shabaab in Somalia. Even Lebanese Hezbollah has ranked higher on the agenda of terrorist organizations that the United States and Israel are chiefly concerned with.

Stronger Action Needed Against Iran

Removing even just one oil refinery might also “send a message” and persuade Iran’s ruling mullahs to rethink their plans.

The Biden administration, it appears, has been funding both sides of two wars: Hamas’s invasion of Israel, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Exclusive Op-Ed: Stop the Gaza war and implement the Arab Peace Initiative

The atrocities witnessed today in Palestine are the consequence of decades of violent events, tragedies, unfulfilled promises, mushrooming illegal settlements and victimhood. Some acts that were committed contradict our Arab culture, as well as Islamic beliefs and values, and resulted in an escalation of violence and misery that brings no gain to anyone – only losses.

What is Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades?

Gaza-based Qassam Brigades has been waging an armed resistance against Israeli occupation since its founding in 1992.

Hamas has been in the spotlight since October 7, when its military wing, the Qassam Brigades, launched an attack on Israeli territory, killing about 1,400 people and taking more than 200 people captives.

Les escalades ne peuvent être stoppées – La Maison-Blanche est ébranlée ; les escalades pourraient toutes fusionner en «une»

La réalité de la nécessité de la guerre pénètre largement la conscience du monde arabe et islamique.

Tom Friedman a lancé un terrible avertissement dans le New York Times jeudi dernier :

«Je pense que si Israël se précipite maintenant [unilatéralement] à Gaza pour détruire le Hamas, il commettra une grave erreur qui sera dévastatrice pour les intérêts israéliens et américains».

Pourquoi des guerriers juifs ?

Les juifs, en tant que groupe ethnique, sont plutôt pacifiques et non violents. Ils sont essentiellement des Gitans alphabétisés et éduqués. Comme les Tsiganes, ils se trouvent rarement en grandes concentrations mais sont diffus au sein d’une population non juive, qu’ils appellent «goyim» (alors que les Tsiganes appellent les non-Tsiganes «gadje»). Comme les Tsiganes, ils s’intègrent aux non-juifs en leur fournissant divers services : les Tsiganes se concentrent sur la divination, les spectacles musicaux et diverses sortes de travaux manuels, qu’ils effectuent dans le cadre de communautés de travail et contre de l’argent ; les juifs, quant à eux, ont tendance à être avocats, médecins, dentistes, banquiers et ainsi de suite.

No consensus yet among Iraqi armed groups on joining Israel-Hamas war

Interviews with faction leaders reveal anger with Hamas over starting a unilateral conflict, but also a determination to get involved if Hezbollah greenlights such a move and Israel invades Gaza.

Iranian-backed Iraqi armed factions are unlikely to participate directly in the Israel-Hamas war as long as it is solely led by the Palestinian militant group, amid a split in the decision to target US military bases in Iraq and Syria among these same factions, commanders of Iranian-backed armed groups told Al-Monitor.