What Will The Gaza Strip Look Like The Day After The War? – Analysis

On Saturday, 7 October 2023, the Palestinian militant movement Hamas, launched a sudden attack on Israel, which has so far resulted in the deaths of more than 1,400 Israelis, with approximately 3,000 people wounded, and the capture of around 240 soldiers and civilians. On the first day of the attack, Israel declared a state of war, called upon reserve forces to prepare for a ground intervention and initiated an extensive campaign of aerial bombardment in the Gaza Strip, resulting in over 10,000 casualties.

Why does France have military bases in Africa?

With a wave of coups in former French colonies in Africa, France is finding it can no longer take its military role on the continent for granted.

There have been growing protests against France’s presence in Africa, where it has previously flexed its military might. French troops have recently been expelled from Niger and Mali and others are considering scrapping independence-era deals that led to at least 30 French direct military interventions between 1964 and 1995.

UN retreat from Mali in disarray as violence surges

Before United Nations peacekeepers hurriedly abandoned their base in Kidal in northern Mali on Tuesday, they made a costly call: with insurgents stationed nearby, they destroyed sensitive equipment to avoid it falling into the wrong hands, the U.N. said.

Mali Army Airstrikes Blamed for Civilian Deaths in Rebel-held Town

Mali’s army said Tuesday it carried out airstrikes on what it called terrorist targets in the rebel stronghold of Kidal, where witnesses and separatists said civilians, including children, died in the attack.

The armed forces said on social media that the strikes “neutralized several terrorist pickup trucks” at a military camp evacuated by U.N. peacekeepers last week in the strategic northern town.

Au Sahel, une personne se fait kidnapper par jour

Selon une étude de chercheurs en sécurité, 180 personnes ont été enlevées au Mali et au Burkina Faso dans la première moitié de l’année.

Patrick se souvient encore de tous les détails. C’était le 15 juin dernier. Il était assis dans un bus qui roulait sur la route nationale 15, dans le centre du Mali. Tout d’un coup, le conducteur arrête son véhicule : des terroristes djihadistes lui bloquent la route.

Mali : des civils tués dans des frappes à Kidal

Entre six et huit personnes, dont plusieurs enfants, ont été tuées mardi (07.11) par des frappes dans le nord du Mali.

” C’est à 7h30 ce matin qu’on a entendu la première frappe de drone. Nous avons appris qu’il y a eu huit morts parmi lesquels on dénombre des enfants”, confie un habitant de Kidal qui a requis l’anonymat pour des raisons de sécurité.