Three Things the Biden Administration Must Do Now to Stop Iran’s Mullahs

If the Biden administration thought that by rescuing Iran’s economy, which had hit bottom, and removing the Houthis from the list of Foreign Terror Organizations would make both Iran into an ally, the generosity appears to have backfired.

If the Iranian regime is allowed to advance to nuclear weapons capability, it will be on course finally to drive the US out of the region; threaten its oil-rich neighbors; destabilize Europe; deploy military assets in Venezuela and Cuba, and, at last, come for the “Great Satan,” the United States.

Armed Conflict, Climate Change Push Global Humanitarian Needs To Record High

Conflict and climate change remain the driving forces behind displacement as the number of internally displaced persons reach 71.1 million across the globe.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, nearly 300 million people will need humanitarian assistance due to conflicts, climate change, and other drivers by next year.

Des navires de guerre chinois, iraniens et indiens sont désormais en mer Rouge/golfe d’Aden

Un blog militaire russe publié jeudi 21 décembre à 11h33, heure de Moscou, a révélé les positions jusqu’ici secrètes de tous les navires de guerre dans la zone annoncée par le Pentagone pour son OPERATION PROSPERITY GUARDIAN.

Les données récentes et la carte ouverte (ci-dessous) n’étaient pas disponibles hier à 09h32, heure de Moscou, sur la stratégie «à deux voies» de la Russie pour s’opposer aux États-Unis et à l’OTAN, et pour protéger les expéditions de pétrole russes tandis que le drone houthi et des opérations de missiles sont en cours contre Israël.

Le spectre de Suez

Un spectre plane sur les ports de toute l’Europe. Un spectre qui fait perdre le sommeil aux exportateurs, aux armateurs et aux commerçants : la fermeture du canal de Suez.

Ce qui mettrait en crise l’ensemble du commerce méditerranéen. Un véritable tremblement de terre pour l’économie mondiale.

Timeline: How the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Fell Apart in the Three Decades After the 1993 Oslo Accord

This timeline was last updated on Dec. 20, 2023.

The Israel-Hamas war has brought renewed attention to the enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This timeline chronicles some of the major events that shaped Israeli-Palestinian relations within the past three decades — from the 1993 Oslo peace agreement to the Hamas terror attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, and Israel’s war in Gaza that has killed thousands of Palestinians. Many of these moments are featured in FRONTLINE’s 2002 documentary Shattered Dreams of Peace, recently re-broadcast on PBS, as well as Netanyahu, America & the Road to War in Gaza, which premiered on PBS on Dec. 19.

Mechanized Stalinism

Keeping score in a war is not an easy task. All manner of important data relevant to warmaking is obscured from open view. Much is hidden by the conscious effort of the warring parties for obvious reasons related to secrecy, but even behind the curtain of state security, armies do not always have a particularly accurate sense of how many casualties they have taken, what the strength of their constituent units are, and what the disposition of their forces may be. War is analyzed through a veil, and behind the veil is fog and confusion.

CEP – KAS: Sahel Monitoring October 2023

The eleventh monthly report monitoring the activities of al-Qaeda and Islamic State branches throughout the Sahel will focus on the propaganda output of these groups in October 2023. This October, the propaganda outlets linked to these terror groups published the highest number of claims since the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) began monitoring them in December 2022. During October, 87 incidents in total have been claimed by the Islamic State’s affiliates ISGS and ISWAP and by az-Zallaqa Media, which publishes all claims by al-Qaeda’s branch JNIM. This steep increase of claims came unexpectedly, especially as the number of incidents claimed by these groups had remained stable in the previous months. With this sudden surge, October constitutes the deadliest month in the wider region since CEP started monitoring.

Houthi Yemen: A Potent, Ramshackle Wild Card

The war that began on October 7 between the terrorist group Hamas and the state of Israel is many things. It is, of course, part of the Palestinian-Israeli struggle, but also a new episode in the history of Islamism and Islamist terrorist organizations. It is many other things. It is also a test, a test for Iran’s strategy of developing a diffuse network of proxies – states, militias, terrorist groups – which it can use to project power, against Israel and against the Americans and other adversaries. As such, it is a bloody “feasibility study” or deadly “proof of concept” in how this strategy actually works. During the last major confrontation between Israel and a major Iranian proxy – the Tammuz 2006 War between Hezbollah and Israel – the Iranian network was far less developed than it is today. In 2006 American troops were still in Iraq, Syria was whole and at peace, and the old dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh still ruled in Yemen.

Syriza: Rise And Fall Of Cult Left-Wing Party In Europe And Reflections On Right Wing – Analysis

Rise to the top
The foundation of the leftist movement in Greece is the SYNASPISMOS coalition, which was established in 1991. SYNASPISMOS was also one of the founders of the Party of the European Left (PEL) in Rome in 2004. In Greece, the successor of SYNASPISMOS is the radical-left coalition named SYRIZA, which is actually the syllabic abbreviation of the full name of the coalition in Greek. SYRIZA was established in 2004 by several leftist and extreme-left parties. The first president of SYRIZA was Alekos Alavanos (1950). He is a moderate left-wing politician and was the party leader until 2008. These years were filled with numerous tensions between the coalition partners and marked by modest results at parliamentary and local elections. Many in Greece associated these two parties with anarchist groups, which frequently caused unrests in Greece.

‘It Is Clear That Israel Is Committing Genocide In Gaza,’ UN Panel Concludes

Amid the growing international consensus that the atrocities Israel has been committing in Gaza amount to genocide, a UN panel has also concluded that “genocide is already happening” in Gaza.

The UN-mandated Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) convened this panel at UN headquarters in New York City on December 12, ahead of the vote in the General Assembly on the resolution calling for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire.”