L’impérialisme US, nouvelle version

Le président Trump n’est pas encore entré officiellement en fonction qu’il multiplie déjà les lieux de conflits avec les puissances étrangères. En effet, on a appris ces derniers jours que Trump voudrait à la fois annexer le Canada, le Groenland et le Panama. C’est une espèce d’Anschluss en version 2025, avec un blond à brushing plutôt qu’un brun à moustache. Pour jouer toujours dans la provocation, il décide de rebaptiser également le golfe du Mexique en golfe d’Amérique. La présidente mexicaine n’a pas tardé à réagir en rappelant que ce nom était internationalement reconnu. Ce à quoi nous pourrions rajouter que le Texas, et une bonne partie des actuels USA, faisaient partie à l’origine du Mexique d’où le nom du golfe au passage. On remarquera d’ailleurs que le Mexique a visiblement mieux réagi que les autorités danoises ou canadiennes qui se retrouvent un peu prises au piège de leur propre soumission aux USA à travers l’OTAN bien sûr, mais aussi à travers leur politique économique.

Groenland : Scène géopolitique d’un bras de fer entre les États-Unis et l’Union européenne

Depuis sa victoire électorale, Donald Trump a à plusieurs reprises évoqué l’idée que le Groenland devrait devenir une partie intégrante des États-Unis.

Autrefois une île isolée et silencieuse, le Groenland devient de plus en plus le centre d’un jeu d’échecs géopolitique qui attire l’attention des États-Unis et de l’Union européenne. Sa position stratégique et ses ressources naturelles abondantes en font une cible convoitée, et cette lutte d’influence ne restera probablement pas sans conséquences pour l’Europe.

AES-Russie : lutte conjointe à succès contre le terrorisme

La lutte contre le terrorisme international se poursuit au Sahel. Les nouveaux succès conjoints de l’Alliance des États du Sahel et de la Russie confirment une fois de plus qui combat réellement la menace terroriste et qui ne fait que semblant. Ou, pire encore, qui a activement encouragé les groupes terroristes et continue de le faire.

Trends in Terrorism: What’s on the Horizon in 2025?

Sitting down to write my annual assessment on trends in terrorism in early 2025, I am struggling more than usual, fresh off the horrors of an Islamic State (ISIS)-inspired terrorist attack in New Orleans that killed fourteen people and injured dozens more. It is always a challenge to look beyond the immediate, to take a step back and weigh myriad factors and variables that impact which trends may accelerate and which may disappear.

Iran Update, January 11, 2025

The Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS)-led Syrian interim government announced that it thwarted an attempted Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) attack on a prominent Shia shrine outside Damascus. The Syrian Interior Ministry announced on January 11 the arrest of ISIS members who were planning a suicide bombing attack at the Sayyidah Zeinab shrine.[i] The ministry stated that the General Intelligence Directorate and General Security Administration coordinated to thwart the attack.[ii] ISIS has previously attacked Shia shrines in Syria, including in July 2023, when ISIS detonated a bomb near the Sayyidah Zeinab Shrine, killing six individuals and wounding 20 others.[iii] CTP-ISW cannot verify the interim government claim about the most recent attempted ISIS attack. If true, it would indicate that ISIS seeks to attack Shia targets to stoke sectarian tensions and delegitimize HTS as the primary ruling power in Syria. HTS announced recently that it has accepted responsibility for securing the Sayyidah Zeinab shrine.[iv]

Iran Updates

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) with support from the Critical Threats Project (CTP) at the American Enterprise Institute launched a new interactive map of Iran and the Middle East. The map depicts events in Iran that affect the stability of the Iranian regime, namely anti-regime protests and reported poisoning incidents. It also shows developments in Syria that jeopardize regional stability and pose threats to US forces and interests, including Iranian and Iranian-backed militia positions. ISW created each of these data layer events in accordance with ISW’s research methodology. Learn more about the map here.

Fall Of Syrian Regime And Regional Implications – Analysis

While the world’s eyes and attention were focused on the new Trump administration, the consequences of its policies after January 21 in Ukraine, and the raging fires of the Middle East, a new fire flared up and died down in the blink of an eye in Syria. A pending issue took suddenly an unexpected turn.

On December 8, 2024, the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime marked a historic and decisive turning point in the Syrian civil war, after nearly 14 years of conflict. This sudden defeat, despite the regime’s growing difficulties, was accelerated by the rapid and coordinated advance of rebel groups, in particular Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which launched a determined offensive from Idlib province, in the northwest of the country. The offensive, which began on November 27, 2024, benefited from the strategic and military support of Turkey, a regional power directly involved in the Syrian dynamic for several years.

Keeping The Spotlight On Africa’s Child Soldiers – Analysis

As violence and instability rise, African countries must reaffirm their commitment to protecting children and support DDR initiatives.

Roughly 21 000 children have been recruited as soldiers by government forces and armed groups across Africa in the past five years. In 2020, around 337 million children lived within 50 km of active conflicts worldwide, with 118 million in Africa, where one in six risked being recruited.