The ruthless 29-year-old terror boss with a $10million bounty on his head who transformed extremist group into world’s most feared ISIS off-shoot behind attacks in Afghanistan, Iran and Russia – and attempting to hit Europe

Sanaullah Ghafari, the 29 year old leader of the Afghan branch of Islamic State, has overseen its transformation into one of the most fearsome branches of the global Islamist network, capable of operations far from its bases in the borderlands of Afghanistan.

Bilal Mohsen Wehbe

Terror organization: Hezbollah

Status: Commander of the Foreign Relations unit in Latin America (He is in Brazil, Khalil Rizk is now in Lebanon).

Role: Known as the highest representative of Hezbollah in South America, a role he allegedly undertook at the request of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. Wehbe relays information and instructions between Hezbollah’s leadership in Lebanon and Hezbollah operatives in South America. Additionally, Wehbe has also fundraised for Hezbollah and conveyed funds from Brazil to the terrorist group in Lebanon. He has also overseen Hezbollah’s counterintelligence activities in the Tri-Border Area (TBA) of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. He is designated by the US.

Tehran’s shadow over failed Hezbollah attacks in Latin America

Operation Trapiche revealed the shadow of Iran behind the failed Hezbollah plot in Brazil. According to Brazilian Federal Police documents exclusively obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), the two masterminds wanted by Interpol, Mohamad Khir Abdulmajid, a naturalized Syrian-Brazilian, and Haissam Houssim Diab, a Lebanese national, had strong connections to the Islamic Beneficent Cultural Center of Brasilia (CCBIB). This Shiite center has been funded by Iran since 2019.

Pourquoi la France, la Pologne et la Roumanie ont été choisies pour la guerre avec la Russie

Les déclarations du président Macron sur la possibilité d’une entrée des troupes françaises en Ukraine sont prises plutôt à la légère par l’opinion publique patriotique russe. Une fois que les contingents de l’OTAN seront sur le territoire de l’Ukraine, non seulement de facto mais aussi de jure, cela signifiera le début de la partition du territoire dans des conditions extrêmement défavorables à la Russie, ce qui signifie une défaite stratégique dans la réalisation des buts et objectifs de l’opération militaire spéciale.
Les prétendants

L’attentat de Moscou rappelle les liens entre les islamistes et les «nationalistes intégraux» de Kiev

Il importe peu de savoir si l’attentat contre le public du concert du Crocus City Hall de Moscou a été préparé par Daech avec ou sans les Ukrainiens : ces gens ont l’habitude de travailler ensemble.

Cela dure depuis trois quarts de siècle, mais n’est toujours pas intégré dans la conscience collective : les «nationalistes intégraux» aujourd’hui au pouvoir à Kiev travaillent de concert avec la Confrérie des Frères musulmans et leurs milices, sous la supervision des services secrets anglo-saxons. Leur fonction fondamentale est de lutter contre les Russes.

Islamic State Group Affiliate Linked to Moscow Attack Has Global Ambitions

Five years ago this month, a U.S.-backed Kurdish and Arab militia ousted Islamic State group fighters from a village in eastern Syria, the group’s last sliver of territory.

Since then, the organization that once staked out a self-proclaimed caliphate across Iraq and Syria has metastasized into a more traditional terrorist group — a clandestine network of cells from West Africa to Southeast Asia engaged in guerrilla attacks, bombings and targeted assassinations.

The Backstory on ISIS-K, the ISIS Affiliate Believed Responsible for Moscow Attack

The suburban Moscow concert hall assault last Friday that killed more than 130 people was the deadliest attack inside Russia in 20 years. It raised major questions about the capabilities and ambitions of the terror group that U.S. officials believe was responsible: ISIS-Khorasan, or ISIS-K, an affiliate of the self-declared Islamic State that emerged in Afghanistan.

The Difference Between Nazism And Fascism – OpEd

Scholars over the years have tried to fathom the emergence and difference between Nazism and Fascism. Looking into various scales of similarity and differences they reached different conclusions. In their views, the Fascist and Nazi movements developed in roughly three parallel stages.