The political impasse threatening Iraqi Kurdistan’s future

Analysis: The Kurdistan Democratic Party’s unprecedented boycott of long-overdue parliamentary elections leaves the semi-autonomous region in uncertain waters.

Voters in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region will cast ballots on 10 June for the regional parliament for the first time since 2018, but a major force will be missing from the ballot.

Hezbollah Claims to Target Multiple Sites in Northern Israel

Latest Developments

Hezbollah claimed to target numerous areas in northern Israel on April 21. The Iranian-backed terrorist group told pro-Iranian media outlet Al-Mayadeen that it struck the northern Israeli communities of Shomera, Shlomi, Metulla, and Hanita. In many of these communities, sirens warned of incoming fire on April 20 and 21, but no injuries have been reported. The terrorist group also said it used an anti-tank guided missile to target an Israeli military Humvee in Israel.

Le «front secondaire» de la guerre de Palestine et ses conséquences – La guerre en mer Rouge

La guerre en mer Rouge

\ttaque sur une artère du commerce mondial

Avec le canal de Suez, la mer Rouge est l’une des plaques tournantes économiques du commerce mondial. Plus de 15% du commerce mondial passe par ce goulet d’étranglement géographique. Le choc a été d’autant plus grand en Occident lorsque, à partir du 19 novembre 2023, les combattants du mouvement Ansar Allah (partisans de Dieu), également connus en Occident sous le nom de Houthis, ont commencé à tirer sur les navires d’Israël et des pays occidentaux alliés.

Herbert Marcuse – New Left Revival?

World events serve as a stage of constant search for how best to construct and maintain society, which is an underlying theme of some decades ago found in the works of Herbert Marcuse, 1898–1979, German-American philosopher of prominent fame during the 1960s considered an intellectual giant of his time.

Charles Reitz, widely recognized as a scholar of Herbert Marcuse, has brought to life his ideology for a prosperous healthy society, proposing that “nature is an ally” in his book The Revolutionary Ecological Legacy of Herbert Marcuse, 284 pgs. Daraja Press, 2023.

Kurdistan+100: Sci-fi anthology reimagines a future Kurdish state

Book Club: Kurdistan+100 reimagines Kurdish state struggles through a prism of futurism, offering a space for freer Kurdish expressions and possibilities.

Being Kurdish outside of Kurdish society is hard. From complete ignorance in the West to being viewed as a proxy militia in SWANA, from hearing the linguicide of the Kurdish language in Iran to seeing cultural and political repression in Turkey — to be Kurdish is to be steeped in pain and ostracisation.


Executive Summary

Rather than a new phenomenon, competition, and hence the possibility of conflict, between states – as well as cooperation – has existed as long as states have interacted. While the particularities of great power competition have ebbed and flowed over the past decades, the twenty-first century has seen a return to “normal” as competition between states has translated into open conflict, such as the war in Ukraine, while interdependence due to globalization, renders inter-state conflicts, as well as strategic rivalries, increasingly complex. Even as the US is redefining its engagement with the world and the US and China are geopolitical facts no country can ignore, other countries will not necessarily be constrained to a binary, fully aligned with one over the other. Rather, states, including throughout the Global South, will likely pursue policies that still maximize their strategic national autonomy within the constraints of their respective realities.

Alerte rouge : Le cauchemar d’Orwell en passe de devenir réalité

Si nous ne faisons rien, toutes les opinions alternatives seront bannies en France.

Signez d’urgence la pétition !


Madame, Monsieur,

Notre pays est en train de rompre avec près de 80 ans de libertés d’expression en instaurant un véritable Ministère de la Censure.

The Forgotten War—8.5 million people displaced in Sudan

The latest civil war which erupted in Sudan in mid-April 2023 has very recently completed one year. On this occasion the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that there is a humanitarian situation so serious in Sudan that nearly half the population needs life-saving assistance. The condition of women and children is particularly precarious.