From the river to the sea: The “Day After” will be based on equality & justice, not Jewish supremacy

Means of return: “Our weapons are the means of our return/And (they are) our constant companions until the liberation of Palestine”, Arab Liberation Front (circa 1975). Artist: Hassib al-Jassem

Israel has reached its zenith and is slowly sinking under the weight of its hubris and vicious greed and that of its enabler, the United States. We are recognizing now how vulnerable Israel is and how responsible we all are for challenging it.

Quel avenir pour l’Europe dans la multipolarité ?

Dans son dernier essai, La Défaite de l’Occident, Emmanuel Todd remet en question «l’axiome» de l’État-nation qui règle les relations internationales depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui (axiome fondateur des «Nations unies»). Il propose «une interpréta­tion pour ainsi dire post-euclidienne de la géopolitique mondiale», qui ne repose pas sur l’État-nation, mais fait plutôt l’hypothèse de sa disparition prochaine1.

Turkey says it killed 17 Kurdish militants in northern Iraq, Syria

Turkish forces have killed 17 militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) across various regions of northern Iraq and northern Syria, the defence ministry said on Friday.

In a post on social media platform X, the ministry said its forces had “neutralised” 10 PKK insurgents found in the Gara and Hakurk regions of northern Iraq, and in an area where the Turkish military frequently mounts cross-border raids under its “Claw-Lock Operation”.

Iran’s Military Strategy: Stick or Twist?

The recent outbreak of open conflict between Iran and Israel has upended the notional strategic stability of the ‘shadow war’ between the two, and it is possible that a return to the status quo will be harder to achieve than expected.

The nuclear fatwa that wasn’t—how Iran sold the world a false narrative

“The idea struck me to introduce the concept of a fatwa [during the 2004 nuclear] negotiations. There was no coordination [in advance],” Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator at the time recounted eight years after the incident. This was nothing short of a stroke of genius in shaping a false narrative about the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, which was delivered by a cleric who eventually rose in the ranks and became a two-term president (2013–2021): Hassan Rouhani.

The Message Europe Should Take From Xi’s Visit – OpEd

Was Xi Jinping’s first trip to Europe in five years a success? It certainly appeared that Xi’s visits to France, Serbia and Hungary, which had both a trade and a political agenda, were successful for the Chinese leader. Can we say the same for France, the EU or Europe? Well, there is not a straight or single answer. And this by itself unveils some of Europe’s grave contradictions on important geopolitical, security and trade issues.

Towards A Possible Peace In The South Caucasus? – OpEd

In a statement made on May 1, 2024, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Kasym Jomart Tokayev welcomed the agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia to hold negotiations at the level of foreign ministers to prepare a peace treaty, at the initiative of the Kazakh side.