Can Jews be Nazis?

For many people, the question is inflammatory. The crimes of the German Nazis were of such magnitude that comparison with any other historical violence is invidious. The genocide of the Jews was deliberate and methodical and intended to eliminate every last one. The goal was the same with the Romani and Sinti people. By comparison, the Israelis – currently accused of genocide — are rank amateurs. They have so far killed some 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza out of a population of 2.3 million.

La CIA et la stratégie de tension en Europe

L’attaque contre le Premier ministre slovaque, Robert Fico, rappelle étrangement l’assassinat de Lee Harvey Oswald et le rôle du réseau Gladio opérant sur le sol européen, et de nouvelles attaques sur le territoire européen ne peuvent être exclues avec l’objectif sans équivoque de semer le chaos à travers le continent. C’est la «stratégie de tension» pour, finalement, provoquer l’implication directe de l’OTAN dans un conflit généralisé avec la Russie.

Cairo’s double game in Gaza

The Israel Defense Force’s move last week into the southern Gaza city of Rafah has exploded in Egypt like a 2,000-pound bomb. Cairo has long been playing a double game, holding Hamas terrorists near while simultaneously trying to appear helpful to the United States and Israel.

Does Macedonia’s future lie in Europe? The country has become an ideological battleground

North Macedonia is a country with a past — or no past, depending on your perspective. The landlocked Balkan country’s architecture, history, flag and even its name have all become an ideological battleground, contested by nationalists and Europhiles, disputed by Macedonians and Albanians, besieged by Greece and Bulgaria. Conservatives seek to preserve or construct a Macedonian national identity, while hostile neighbouring states demand the country relinquish its historic claims as a quid pro quo for EU accession.

Inclusion et normalisation : du progrès social au néoprogressisme fanatique

D’un point de vue pratique – puisque la politique tient avant tout du pragmatisme collectif -, le plein-emploi est sans doute le premier critère observable d’une société réellement inclusive. Avec ses 3 millions de chômeurs, on peut raisonnablement dire que la France actuelle est en crise et pratique plus ou moins directement l’exclusion, malgré les diverses offensives sociétales menées par les gouvernements successifs. Nous ne parlerons pas des offensives migratoires qui, alimentant au mieux l’économie parallèle (traite d’êtres humains, exploitation sexuelle, trafic d’organes…), ne font qu’apporter une misère exotique à la misère locale.

US, EU, Slate Bosnian Serb Push to Designate NGOs as ‘Foreign Agents’

After criticising a proposed new defamation law, the EU and US have also condemned a proposed new Bosnian Serb law allowing the entity to designate NGOs as ‘foreign agents’, calling it ‘unacceptable’.

The EU and US have criticised plans by Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik, president of Bosnia’s mainly Serb-dominated Republika Srpska entity, to push a new Russian-style law which would allow the entity to mark civil society and non-governmental organisations as “foreign agents”.