Pentagon considers Indian Arrow in running battle with Region
New Af-Pak strategy veiled that the USA is not ready to leave Afghanistan for long-term geopolitical objectives because of extensive stay of the NATO forces in this region. So, Washington is not only escalating American troops but it is also demanding NATO and its allies for more troops on Afghan soil. In fact, the America, the deep state, has decided to use Afghan hostile situation by dispersal of three evils; Extremism, Terrorism, and Separatism to all regional countries with the aim to alter the geopolitical landscape of the Eurasia, especially in Muslim World.
We are witnessing that how the USA and Israel are operational for drawing the map of new states in the Muslim world. First, they have removed undesirable ruling regimes with military interventions. Russian timely military aid to Syria has toppled their plan to establish Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Now after the defeat of ISIS in Syria, they are making efforts for an independent Kurdistan.
Historically, Kurds are the cousins of the Baloch people from Balochistan, currently separated by Iran-Pakistan border neighboring Afghanistan.
If we put “American new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan (Af-Pak)” under a microscope, we can easily scrutinize the “Greater Balochistan” campaign.
Like Kurds, the religious majority of the Baloch are Sunni Muslims with 75% and Shia Muslims with 15%, but unlike in the neighboring Muslim countries, Islam is not a part of their identity. Interestingly, both are fighting for their independent homeland.
Saudi religious sermons and the Pentagon’s Jihad dogma ignite the radicalization of Islam after the Iranian revolution in 1979 for blocking the expansion of communism towards the Muslim world. For this purpose, they fell over elected government of Pakistan and installed military junta regime to launch a jihad against the USSR and to fuel Shia-Sunni conflict in the Muslim world.
As a result, the Baloch separatist movement in Sistan e Balochistan (Iranian side Balochistan) turned into Shia-Sunni conflict. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the USA are directly involved in the conflict through supporting the Sunni population in Balochistan and there is a boost of sectarian violence. Now, Indian’s contact with Baloch rebels and its presence at Balochistan’s Chabahar port is in favor of Saudi Arabia and the USA. For blocking Chinese access to Persian Gulf energy, a new map of Middle East was redrawn by the American controversial strategic analyst Ralph Peters. In his infamous “Blood Borders” map, he earmarked “Greater Balochistan/Khorasan” carved out of the Iranian and Pakistani territory. As the USA used Iraq hostile situation to establish Islamic State and Kurdistan in the Mideast through dispersal of evils as radicalism and violence, same it is stabbing at Afghan soil against the regional countries with the assistance of India.
The USA is facilitating India in South Asia and Central Asia for countering China and securing Western interests with the Indian assistance. It aware they can’t achieve geopolitical objectives in the presence of China. That’s why the USA encourages India to introduce its own alternative economic initiatives against China’s belt road. The North-South corridor is the part of this Indian strategy to reach Central Asia through bypassing Pakistan via Iran’s Chabahar port. India has already established air-corridor with Afghanistan.
While for China, Afghanistan is its Silk Road country and wants to develop Afghanistan’s infrastructure so that economic prosperity can bring peace because of the stability of this region. But unfortunately, India under the umbrella of NATO forces is using Afghan soil against China and Pakistan. Indian support for the Uyghur militant group East Turkestan Islamic Moment (ETIM) has also been uncovered two years ago when India hosted anti-China groups during a meeting in Dharamsala.
Now it becomes an admitted fact that India is directly involved in terrorist funding against China and Pakistan.
In fact, the nexus between Indian secret service Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Afghan Intelligence the National Directorate of Security (NDS) has given a birth to the Tehreek-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which has also linked with Uyghur’s ETIM.As it was long stated by Pakistan, the Indian Govt has financed TTP for the killing of over 60,000 innocent Pakistani’s through its vicious proxy war waged against the Pakistani civilians from Afghanistan. This campaign of terror was India’s attempt to dismember Pakistan through internal instability as it did so in East Pakistan in 1971.
Pakistan due to its geographical importance considers a zipper of Pan-Eurasian integration by interlinking Eurasian superpowers; Russia’s Greater Eurasia with China’s Silk Road. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) provides shortest land access to China while the transit trade routes of Pakistan along this CPEC connect South Asia with Eurasian heartland (Central Asia). This unique geo-strategic significance of Pakistan has provided an opportunity to the multipolar world to repair the damages in the region which were dealt by the USA. Therefore now Moscow, the old friend of New Delhi is shaping a new regional friendship with Islamabad aimed at minimizing the US hegemony in South Asia and Central Asia. Putin’s durzhba/friendship diplomacy towards Pakistan by ignoring Indian concerns hinted that Russia needs Pakistan to counter American new great game against region.
In fact, The US- India nexus boosts nationalist movements and ethnic conflicts in Pakistan to weaken federation so that Western objectives would be achieved by creating hostility and it is true that from birth to today, Pakistan remained as a state of experiments from colonialism to neo-colonialism. Hence that’s why Pakistan had been placed among the fragile states of the world.
In history, Pakistan became “most allied ally” of the US. By taking advantage of this “special status,” the US entangled the country almost everywhere from a state institution to basic entities. Despite being a US ally, Pakistan was also considered China’s iron friend and China was the only country which helped Pakistan in every condition. So after joining the Silk Road, Pakistan adopted the regional agenda through opening its doors for China’s Belt Road Initiative and Eurasian integration.
The submission of Subcontinent (Indo-Pak) into the Eurasian Security Mechanism; Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is the part of Greater Eurasia Strategy which considers the multi-modal institution of a multipolar world.
Western media pundits projected SCO as an alternative to the NATO. But unfortunately, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Junta party’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has turned India into a US pawn by joining the Asian NATO-like project to contain China. Hence why, India has given a maximum role in the US-led war against regional integration, especially in Asia. As being the fastest growing economy, China is in a position to share its prosperity with the world. China, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, adopted a win-win policy as it has emerged as a global economic power and joining hands with Russia, which is considered a world geopolitical superpower.
Australia, Japan, and the United States are encouraging India to compete the China with political, economic, and maritime security engagements. This is formulated in the Quadrilateral Initiative in the Indo-Pacific region which zips the Indian Ocean and South China Sea (Pacific) together. This maritime security competition between world’s superpowers is evidence that America has operationalized its so-called rebalancing Asia approach, as Washington’s new engagement of India testifies that America is pursuing its Indo-Pacific pivot dream in Asia.
Indian hybrid war against China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is witnessed that India and the US have teamed up against China and Pakistan. Therefore, Pakistan has opposed Indian role in new American policy in Afghanistan. Pakistan has sacrificed a lot in the American war on terror but now the US stabbed back into Pakistan has hinted that Pakistan is going to adopt no more policy against American do more hawkish rhetoric but unfortunately Indian anti-regional role in the Western game plan has alarmed bells in all over the region.
It is also necessary to mention that Indian new alignment with Israel has also posed threat to Pakistan and Iran as Israeli Zionism is behind the blood borders map. Israel as the traditional rival of Iran wants to alter Iranian sovereignty with greater Balochistan. Indian presence on Chabahar port (Iranian side Balochistan) can facilitate them to draw bloody borders map. Syria, a war-torn country has already rejected Indian bid to take part in Syrian reconstruction process due to Indian closeness with Israel. Although Iran has given its strategic port of Chabahar to India for the development of the North-South Corridor now it seems that Iran feels hesitation after Modi’s Israel visit.
India as the main player of Asian-NATO like project against China is also looking forward to assist NATO in Afghanistan as it has offered Pentagon to use Indian corridor for NATO supply line to reach in Afghanistan and Central Asia.
NATO is already using Pakistan transit trade routes for logistic supply but now there is a threat that the routes going through Pakistan could be endangered by deteriorating US-Pakistani relation. Therefore, strategic planners in the Pentagon are working to alternate routes to continue its war legacy in central and south Asia. They have already opened the Northern Distribution Network (NDN), a series of commercially-based logistical arrangements connecting Baltic and Caspian ports with Afghanistan via Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. But NATO’s war against Russia has also become a threat to the suspension/blockage of this NDN as Russia already blocked its transit routes for NATO to reach Central Asia.
American’s further stay in the Afghanistan for long-term strategic goals demanded to create new supply lines for the military immediate needs. Therefore, it has taken India on board in Af-Pak strategy to use its sphere of influence on transit states along the North-South Corridor for the expansion of logistic supply routes with the aim to connect NATO and Asian-NATO like projects together.