All Eyes On Balochistan – Remembering The Victims Killed By The Islamic Republic Of Iran In The Zahedan Massacre

On September 30, 2022, the Islamic regime violently repressed the demonstrations of Baloch protesters who were gathering in front of a police station in Zahedan – leading to what would become known as the “Zahedan massacre,” or “Bloody Friday,” in which more than 150 people were killed and hundreds injured. Baloch media outlet stressed that the protests in Zahedan erupted after news emerged that the police head of the coastal city of Chabahar, Colonel Ebrahim Kochzai, had raped a 15-year-old Baloch girl Maho Baloch on September 27, 2022, after arresting her for investigation.[1]

The people of Zahedan took to the streets to protest the sexual assault of the Baloch girl and the “systemic discrimination and structural repression” against the Baloch people. The protests emerged within the context of the 2022 uprising against the Iranian regime, after Kurdish-Iranian woman Jina (Mahsa) Amini was arrested by the Iranian religious police for wearing her headscarf “improperly” and died in police custody. Her killing sparked protests all over Iran as she became the symbol of the uprising against the Iranian regime.[2]

It is worth noting that the 2022 protests against the Iranian regime can be defined not only as a women-led uprising, but also an ethnic minorities-led one. In fact, for the ethnic minorities that comprise almost half of Iran’s population (e.g., Ahwazi Arabs, Kurds, and Balochis), the uprising represented a “revolution” for liberty and basic ethnic and human rights of which they have been deprived not only by the Islamic Republic of Iran, but also by the former Persian regimes (e.g., under the Pahlavi dynasty) for almost a century.

This September 30 marks the second anniversary of the Zahedan massacre. Ahead of the anniversary, on September 27, 2024, hundreds of Baloch citizens took to the streets after Friday prayers at the Makki Mosque in Zahedan, honoring the victims of the massacre and chanting slogans for the release of political prisoners and accountability for the perpetrators of the “Bloody Friday.”

Baloch media outlet reported: “In a powerful demonstration of solidarity and remembrance, protesters marked the second anniversary of the Bloody Friday incident, during which numerous lives were lost. The demonstrators voiced their demands for justice and the release of political prisoners. As participants gathered in the streets, they chanted slogans such as ‘Political prisoners must be freed,’ ‘We neither forgive nor forget,’ and ‘We swear by the blood of our comrades, we stand until the end.'” It then added: “These chants underscored the Baloch people’s ongoing struggle for accountability and justice in the wake of the tragic events of 2022. Despite a heavy military presence and heightened security measures across the city, the demonstrators remained resolute in their demands. According to sources, armed forces were deployed around the mosque and its vicinity, but this did not deter citizens from expressing their grievances.”[3]

Following are an article published by ahead of the second anniversary of the Zahedan massacre, followed by MEMRI reports featuring Baloch protesters and leaders:[4]

“The Tragic Events Of September 30, 2022… Epitomize The Violent Nature Of The Iranian Policy”

“The Baloch people, under the occupation of Iran, have long endured political, economic, and cultural marginalization. In Iran, this manifests as systematic oppression, exemplified by the ‘Bloody Friday’ massacre of 2022 in Zahedan, the capital of Iranian-occupied Balochistan. The violent crackdown on Baloch protesters during this event symbolizes a broader genocidal policy that has persisted for decades. The Iranian state’s treatment of the Baloch nation has far-reaching consequences not only within Iran but also across the wider Middle East and beyond.

“The Baloch have consistently resisted Iranian control over their traditional lands. Since 1839, particularly with the rise of centralized Iranian rule under the Pahlavi dynasty and later the Islamic Republic, Balochistan has faced harsh policies aimed at assimilation, suppression of cultural identity, and economic disenfranchisement. The state’s perception of the Baloch’s demand for political autonomy and religious freedom as a threat to its hegemony has led to systematic persecution.

“The tragic events of September 30, 2022, known as the ‘Bloody Friday’ massacre also known as the ‘Zahedan Massacre,’ epitomize the violent nature of Iranian policy against the Baloch. Protests erupted in Zahedan following allegations that a police officer had raped a 15-year-old Baloch girl in Chabahar. The Iranian security forces responded with excessive force, using live ammunition against protesters, resulting in the deaths of over 150 civilians, including children, with hundreds more injured.

“Hyrbyair Marri,[5] a Baloch national leader, stated, ‘Iran’s regime is committing a slow genocide against the Baloch nation. The events of Bloody Friday starkly remind us of Tehran’s brutal policies aimed at eradicating Baloch identity and freedom.’ His assessment highlights the systematic violence faced by the Baloch, not just in physical terms but also through cultural erasure, economic deprivation, and religious persecution. For the Baloch, events like Bloody Friday are part of a prolonged history of repression aimed at weakening their political will and erasing their identity.

“The Iranian government’s policies towards the Baloch can indeed be characterized as genocidal, as defined by the United Nations. This encompasses not only mass killings but also actions aimed at destroying, in whole or in part, an ethnic or national group. The systematic targeting of Baloch civilians, as seen in Bloody Friday and other incidents, reflects a pattern of state violence intended to quash dissent.”

“Iran’s Genocidal Policies Against The Baloch Not Only Have Local Implications But Also Affect Regional Stability”

“The Baloch live under dire economic conditions, particularly in the western part of Balochistan, one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions. High unemployment, lack of infrastructure, and limited access to education and healthcare create a deliberate marginalization that degrades their quality of life and diminishes their prospects for survival.

“Iran’s genocidal policies against the Baloch not only have local implications but also affect regional stability and draw global attention to human rights violations. The international community has begun to take note, with various human rights organizations condemning Iran’s treatment of ethnic and religious minorities. However, these condemnations have often resulted in little tangible change.

“The Baloch diaspora, especially in Western countries, has become increasingly vocal in criticizing Iran. Hyrbyair Marri has utilized international platforms to highlight the plight of the Baloch people and to call for intervention. He emphasizes that ‘the world cannot turn a blind eye to the genocide happening in Balochistan.’ Advocacy by the Baloch diaspora has helped to bring international attention to Iran’s abuses, even as the Baloch pay a heavy price for the unjust division of Balochistan.

“The Baloch seek global moral support, as they face challenges from powerful nations that have historically set stringent terms for the freedom of oppressed nations. Despite being geographically tied to the Middle East, the Baloch have remained silent victims of injustice.

“Iran’s treatment of the Baloch, particularly during events like Bloody Friday, underscores a long-standing pattern of genocidal policies aimed at eradicating Baloch cultural, religious, and political identity. The international community must take decisive action to address these ongoing abuses.”

Demanding Rights For Balochistan

The following are MEMRI TV clips featuring Baloch protesters demanding that the Iranian government respect their rights:

MEMRI TV Clip No. 9927,

Anti-Regime Protests In Iran's Baluchestan Province: Free Baluchestan! The Kurds Are Not Alone! Curse The Rule Of The Jurisprudent! Death To Basiji! November 11, 2022.

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 436, Balochistan Is A Strategic Outpost For Countering The Islamic Republic Of Iran, By Rudam Azad, December 6, 2022.

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 438, The Islamic Republic Of Iran's 'Slow Motion' Genocide Of The Balochi People, December 15, 2022.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10058, WARNING – GRAPHIC: Iranian Regime Violently Cracks Down On Protesters In Baluchestan; Protestors Chant: Death To Khamenei! Death To The IRGC! January 13, 2023.

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 457, Iran's Security Services Target Baloch Women, By Rudam Azad, February 16, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10079, Protesters In Zahedan, Iran: Death To Khamenei! Khamenei — Have Some Honor And Leave The Country! This Is The Year Of Bloody Uprising! January 20, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10102, WARNING — GRAPHIC: Anti-Regime Demonstrations In Baluchestan, Iran; Regime Security Opens Fire On Demonstrators, Arrest Citizens, Publicly Flog Man, February 3, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10269, Iranian TV Report About Violent Crackdown On Protesters Who Stormed Zahedan Police, April 28, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10218, Iranian Shiites Visit Sunni Mosque In Baluchestan: We Were Not Forced To Wear The Hijab At The Mosque; The People Here Do Not Deserve What Is Happening To Them, March 28, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10160, Weekly Protests Continue In Baluchestan, Iran: Death To Khamenei! We Will Not Waver! March 3, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10127, At Weekly Anti-Regime Protests In Iran's Baluchestan, Demonstrators Demand Freedom For Political Prisoners, Chant: Death To Khamenei! Death To The IRGC! The People Want The Leadership Of Sunni Spiritual Leader Molavi Abdolhamid! February 17, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10125, Iranian Regime Shoots Hundreds Of Donkeys Used By Residents Of Sistan And Baluchistan For Fuel Trade Across Pakistan Border, February 18, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10185, Anti-Regime Protests In Baluchestan, Iran: I Will Kill Whoever Killed My Brother! We Swear On The Blood Of Our Comrades That We Will Not Waver! March 17, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10210, Anti-Regime Protests in Baluchestan, Iranian Forces Shoot Oil Traders, Protestors Chant: Death to IRGC! Death to Basij! We Will Not Accept Indignity! March 31, 2023.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10281, Weekly Anti-Regime Protests In Baluchistan, Iran: We Swear On The Blood Of Our Comrades That We Will Not Waver! May 5, 2023

On January 20, 2023, dissident Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad tweeted footage of protests in Zahedan, following Friday sermons. Based on the footage, thousands of people attended the protests. The protestors chanted “I will kill whoever killed my brother!”, “Death to Khamenei!”, “Mullahs should get lost!”, “Basiji and IRGC, you are our ISIS!”, “Khamenei – have some honor and leave the country!”, and “This is the year of bloody [uprising]!” (Source: See MEMRI TV Clip No. 10079, Protesters In Zahedan, Iran: Death To Khamenei! Khamenei — Have Some Honor And Leave The Country! This Is The Year Of Bloody Uprising!, January 20, 2023)

This clip is a compilation of footage, including graphic images, obtained by MEMRI and a clip from Kolbarnews on Twitter from protests in Zahedan, in Iran’s Baluchestan province, on January 13, 2023. Casualties from the regime’s violent crackdown on the protests can be seen, and crowds of protesters chant slogans such as “Death to Khamenei!”, “We will proceed to revolution!”, “Death to the IRGC!”, “Death to the Islamic Republic!”, and “I will kill whoever killed my brother!” (Source: See MEMRI TV Clip No. 10058, WARNING – GRAPHIC: Iranian Regime Violently Cracks Down On Protesters In Baluchestan; Protestors Chant: Death To Khamenei! Death To The IRGC!, January 13, 2023)

Baloch Leader Hyrbyair Marri

On June 24, 2024, Baloch nationalist leader Hyrbyair Marri posted on his X account: “The world sees the Persian-Baloch conflict as a Shia-Sunni problem. Rather, it’s a two-nation problem. The Persians have occupied Balochistan and other nations. If it had been just a Shia-Sunni problem, they wouldn’t have occupied Al-Ahwaz -an Arab nation-who is Shia as well, but they too are being persecuted and lynched every day just like Baloch and Kurdish people. It is one nation forcibly usurping another nation, subjugating it, and trying to control it. This is not a sectarian conflict; this is the annexation and annihilation of other nationalities. We the Baloch, from all occupied lands, should unite and struggle against these occupiers together. Only then we’ll get our freedom. We should boycott Persian elections, which will show them and the world that we, the Baloch, are united against occupation. I urge no participation in Iranian voting, that would clearly show their theocratic regime and monarchist oppressors that we don’t accept them on our land. We are not Persians and we will fight back against their occupation and oppressive system.” (Source: @hyrbyair_marri) On May 22, 2023, MEMRI published a piece detailing Marri and his work: MEMRI Daily Brief No. 483, Renowned Baloch Leader Hyrbyair Marri: A Nuclear Deal With Iran Is A Deal With The Devil, May 22, 2023.

Sunni-Baloch Leader Molavi Abdolhamid

The following are MEMRI reports featuring Sunni-Baloch spiritual leader Molavi Abdolhamid.

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 456, Who Is Iran's Anti-Regime Sunni-Baloch Leader Molavi Abdolhamid? By Suzan Quitaz, February 13, 2023.

Special Dispatch No. 10366, In Zahedan, Iran Friday Sermon, Sunni Spiritual Leader Molavi Abdolhamid Demands Accountability For Victims Killed During Crackdown On Protesters, Adds: Where Criticism Is Prevented, Tyranny Is Created; Truth Must Always Be Followed, Even When Uttered By Americans And Israelis, December 8, 2022.

Special Dispatch No. 10451, Iranian Sunni Spiritual Leader Molavi Abdolhamid In Friday Sermon In Iran's Baluchestan: Iranians Want A Peace-Seeking Country, Not A Warmongering One; Israelis Deserve An Independent State, Just Like The Palestinians, February 3, 2023.