The Air Force Team Behind the Operation to Eliminate Hassan Nasrallah

A pivotal mission marks a turning point in the conflict, impacting Hezbollah and the future of the Middle East.

In a historic and high-stakes operation, Israel’s Air Force has successfully eliminated Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, marking a critical milestone in the ongoing conflict. Brig. Gen. Amichai Levin, commander of Hatzerim Air Force Base, confirmed the strategic importance of this mission during a joint interview with Lt. Col. M, commander of the elite 69th “Hammers” Squadron, responsible for executing the strike.

Despite the complex situation on the northern front, Levin stressed that Israel remains focused on three main objectives: returning hostages held by Hamas, dismantling the terrorist organization, and ensuring the safe return of northern residents. “The base, the squadron, and the entire Israeli Air Force (IAF) continue to operate intensively in Gaza, but separating the northern front from Gaza is essential to achieving these goals,” Levin stated.

The elimination of Nasrallah, who had long orchestrated Hezbollah’s activities against Israel, is being hailed as a game-changer for the entire region. According to Levin, “Nasrallah’s death will have a profound impact that extends beyond Lebanon’s borders. This operation moves us closer to our war objectives, sending a clear message to all those who threaten Israel.”

The mission was a culmination of years of intelligence gathering and operational planning. It showcased the exceptional coordination between the IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate and the Air Force. “The intelligence we received was of the highest caliber. Without such precise information, an operation of this magnitude would not have been possible,” said Levin. “It also highlighted the Air Force’s initiative, audacity, and determination.”

Lt. Col. M, the 37-year-old commander of the 69th Squadron, revealed the depth of personal connection many of his team members have with the northern front. M’s family, including his wife’s relatives, were among the thousands evacuated from kibbutzim near the Lebanese border, placing the mission into even sharper focus for the squadron.

The operation took place in the heart of Beirut, targeting Nasrallah’s stronghold in the Dahiya district. “We knew exactly who we were going after, and we made sure everything went according to plan,” M said. He detailed how the mission involved a diverse formation of pilots, from seasoned veterans to younger members, flying together to ensure its success. “There were no hitches neither in the intelligence aspect, nor in the planes or the execution itself. It was flawless.”

M described the emotional aftermath of the mission, sharing the profound sense of accomplishment that came after landing back in Israel. “We gave three hugs: one to the aircrews, realizing we had just completed something historic; one to our technical officer, whose family has been directly affected by Hezbollah’s violence; and the third, of course, to my wife.”

Levin also underscored the importance of deception and strategy to ensure that Nasrallah remained unaware of the strike until it was too late. “Keeping the target stable and preventing any early warning to Hezbollah was a major challenge, but we’ve refined these techniques over time with the help of some of our brightest young officers.”

While the mission was a significant blow to Hezbollah, both Levin and M stressed that Israel’s work is far from over. The northern front remains volatile, with continued rocket fire from Hezbollah, and the threat from Hamas in Gaza persists. “We still have a long road ahead. The hostages are still in Gaza, and Hamas has yet to be dismantled. But Nasrallah’s death brings us closer to securing Israel’s borders and ensuring the safety of our people,” said Levin.

Despite the operational success, Levin also addressed questions about the protests that rocked Israel in 2023, some of which involved reservists from the 69th Squadron. He was quick to emphasize that these events do not reflect any lack of commitment from the squadron’s personnel. “Let there be no doubt about their dedication to Israel. Many of those involved in the protests are the same people who have flown countless missions, risking their lives for the country,” Levin remarked.

As Israel continues its campaign on multiple fronts, the elimination of Nasrallah stands as a testament to the capabilities of the Israeli Air Force and the unity of purpose among its military forces. The mission not only struck a major blow to Hezbollah but also demonstrated Israel’s unwavering resolve to defend its people.

Israel’s Air Force will continue its relentless pursuit of peace and security. With each operation, the IDF gets closer to achieving its objectives, ensuring a brighter future for Israel and its citizens.