“We don’t want to stay here, abandoned in the desert”

A collection of testimonies of the protest of Sudanese refugees in the Agadez camp, in Niger

As the protests by refugees continue in the controversial “ humanitarian center ” of Agadez , the government of Niger received Elizabeth Tan, director of the Division for International Protection at the UNHCR office in Geneva, in early December. This was an important visit given the profile of Tan, who has worked for UNHCR since 1995 and has operated in several African contexts, including Burundi, Egypt and Sudan.

Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM)


Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) is a terrorist group based in Mali and active across much of West Africa, including parts of Burkina Faso and Niger. It formed in March 2017, when four Mali-based extremist groups—Ansar al-Din, al-Murabitun, the Macina Liberation Front (MLF), and the Sahara Emirate subgroup of al-Qa‘ida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)—announced that they had merged, formalizing cooperation among them. The leader of JNIM, Iyad ag Ghali, pledged the group’s allegiance to the amir of AQIM, to the amir of al-Qa‘ida, and to the leader of the Taliban.

L’intolérance des « progressistes » ne connaît plus de limites

Eux, ils peuvent tout se permettre…

Ça ne passe toujours pas. L’élection de Donald Trump continue de filer des boutons aux plus allergiques de nos représentants politico-médiatiques de gauche, lesquels n’ont visiblement pas compris deux choses essentielles. La première : Donald Trump a été élu par le peuple a-mé-ri-cain, lequel a plébiscité un projet clairement défini comprenant des actes forts dans des domaines comme l’industrie, la recherche scientifique, l’immigration, le wokisme, l’écologie, etc. À l’inverse de nos politiciens bavards qui, une fois arrivés au pouvoir après avoir promis le meilleur, ne font rien ou font pire que leurs prédécesseurs en faisant l’inverse de ce qu’ils avaient promis, le président américain, quoi que l’on pense de lui, a décidé de respecter ses engagements et de passer immédiatement à l’acte. La seconde : les Américains se soucient comme d’une guigne des rodomontades, des insultes, des invectives et des injonctions des journalistes et des artistes français dont ils ignorent jusqu’à l’existence.

Rape as a commandment – a new, yet old instrument of Islam conquering Europe

Usually, we would refrain from any racist notion, any attempt to accuse a large group on a religious basis, but in this case, we made very deep inquiries and made sure, that the statistics are sound. We had no alternative, but to publish the paper as it is.

Rape is rape and will be rape! Even if the motivation is supposedly of a fundamentalistic religious nature.

Hezbollah’s aggression in the eyes of the growing Lebanese opposition

Ever since the start of the escalation in South Lebanon last October, with the harsh destruction and the dire economic situation of the residents of South and Central Lebanon, we have witnessed a significant rise of voices criticizing Hezbollah’s conduct.

It appears that Lebanon is being hijacked by foreign interests, utilizing Hezbollah, leading the beautiful and multicultural country into disaster.