America and Zionist Americans bribed and blackmailed UN to plant Israel in Palestine after evicting Palestinians from their lands

At the turn of the last century Palestine was part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. About 95 percent of the population in 1896 were Arabs who owned ninety percent of the land. Palestine was brought under British power after World War 11. Both British mandatory power and Zionist Jews decided to kill and kick out Palestinians and establish in Palestinian lands a state for Jews brought from outside.

Alleged planner of Daesh church attack nabbed by Turkish intel

A joint operation by the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) and police netted a suspect involved in planning an attack on the Santa Maria Italian Church in Istanbul, sources said on Saturday. The suspect, identified as Viskhan Soltamatov, was a key figure in the attack that killed a Turkish national on January 28, 2024. He is also accused of supplying the weapon used in the attack carried out by two Daesh gunmen.

Iran: A Full-Scale War Is Unlikely, But ‘Hybrid Conflict’ Set To Escalate

Abstract: The spectre of a U.S.-Iran war is haunting the world. However, it is still less likely than many think. For its part, Tehran is aware that it lacks the military capabilities and financial resources to endure a direct military confrontation with the United States. Engaging in a full-scale war with Iran would also be catastrophic for the U.S. At a time when there is a need to focus on the competition with Russia and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), a direct war with Iran would reduce Washington’s capacity to counter revisionist states’ subversive activities. As such, ‘hybrid warfare’ still fits better into both sides’ cost-benefit calculus.

“We don’t believe that those who abandoned us will save us.” How Kursk residents voted in the gubernatorial elections — report

The loss of control over the border part of Kursk Oblast did not prevent Russian authorities from holding “elections” for governor and heads of settlements in the region. The current acting governor, Alexei Smirnov, won the vote, which lasted 12 days instead of three, with 65.28% of the votes. The authorities announced a record turnout in the elections – more than 61% of residents, taking into account early voting. As The Insider correspondent found out, who visited Kursk Oblast, local residents did not receive the elections with much excitement: they equally do not trust the current authorities, nor the possibility of replacing them in the elections. And it is not surprising, because before this, the state was unable to provide either defense, evacuation, or even a missile warning system.

From Israel to kyiv via Lithuania: DRS RADA’s weapons for Ukraine

Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė announced plans to purchase radars and mine-clearing equipment, which will be sent to Ukraine by the end of autumn, in addition to more than 5000 domestically produced drones.”During my recent meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, I announced that in the first weeks of September we will deliver to Kiev the first package of military aid, including a dozen short-range air defence systems, 30 anti-drone missiles and an additional amount of weapons and ammunition,” Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said. “In addition, we are providing financial resources in the amount of EUR 35 million for the purchase of radars and anti-mine systems for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”».1

Ukraine’s Top Five Challenges Are Unsolvable

Ukraine’s problems are immense and multifaceted, but they’re all connected one way or another to the five following factors.

It’s beginning to dawn on most Westerners that the US’ long-delayed aid to Ukraine isn’t all that it was hyped up to be and will only at most temporarily slow down the pace of Russia’s increasingly rapid advances. The conflict’s tempo has gradually intensified as Russia exploited Ukraine’s disastrous counteroffensive to regain the military-strategic initiative. Ukraine’s problems are immense and multifaceted, but they’re all connected one way or another to the five following factors:

The Middle East and The Maritime Power of The US

The creator of the concept of U.S. Sea power, Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, primarily insisted on creating a strong naval force to ensure safe shipping around the world and prevent enemies from approaching the borders of the United States. In the twentieth century, especially after World War II, the situation changed and since then Washington had intended to control other regions through the permanent presence of its military bases there.

Dozens Arrested After Violent Clashes: Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Security Forces Suppress Idlib Protest

Idlib sees daily protests predominantly led by women from Hizb ut-Tahrir, many of whom are relatives of detainees

A few meters away from the Book Fair in Idlib, which is being leveraged by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) to improve its image and promote its institutions, the city witnessed protests by hundreds of demonstrators on the evening of Tuesday, September 10, 2024. HTS responded with repression, using beatings and arrests indiscriminately against both women and men. This led to significant tension and widespread condemnation.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria Clarifies Its Stance on Iran: Dispelling Rumors of Rapprochement

The statement by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Syria not only critiques the Iranian regime’s actions but also responds directly to rumours suggesting that the Brotherhood was seeking rapprochement with Tehran. This context is crucial, especially given the Brotherhood’s historical relationship with Hamas, a Palestinian resistance movement with strong ties to both the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran. Hamas, which shares ideological roots with the Brotherhood, has maintained a complex relationship with Tehran, receiving Iranian support for its resistance efforts against Israel. However, this relationship has strained at times, particularly due to Iran’s support for the Assad regime during the Syrian civil war—a regime the Brotherhood vehemently opposes.