The Rise of the Radicals – The Narrative of Terror Hides Behind its Ideologues

743534324The 2016 BBC documentary on Deobandis in the UK exposed what many of us knew all along. That the Muslim communities in the United Kingdom are not a monolithic and that there are some schools of thoughts that dominate terrorist violence and intolerance, while other Muslims are held collectively responsible. Most disturbingly, the vast and significant network of Deobandi madrasas in the UK have hosted globally designated terrorist like Masood Azhar, head of JeM.

ISIL* instead of Al-Qaeda* as a global franchise of international terrorism

Despite the decline in the number of references in the world press to the two most “publicised” brands – Al-Qaeda (AQ) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – the topic remains a relevant security concern in various regions of the world.

Understanding the actual processes involved in the use of terrorist methods in regions with Muslim populations requires an understanding of the nature and drivers of the groups associated with ISIL* and AQ*.

Western democracy and the spread of transnational jihadism

Since the definition of the analytical framework of the term “jihadism” and its inscription in the annals of the history of international relations, the real reasons for the emergence of the acts to which it refers have not been elucidated until nowadays. While the United States of Zbigniew Brzeziński (architect of American strategy in Afghanistan and former national security advisor in 1998), Henry Kissinger (designer of “The Order of the World in 2016”), Samuel P. Huntington (designer of “The Clash of Civilizations”)» in 1993) and Francis Fukuyama (prophet of the “end of history” in 1992) took on the role of world policeman, the frame of reference of the concept “jihadism” defined and proposed to the rest of the world by the intellectuals of the White House is posterior to the scourges to which it relates. Brandishing the attacks of September 11 or “black September” for others as a benchmark for analyzing jihadism is an aberration and a stated desire to turn a blind eye to the darkest pages of the history of the industrial revolution. Because, as Jules Ferry said, “colonial policy is the daughter of industrial policy”.

The Collective West Cordoned Off: The Geographical Pivot of History Arrives

During the first Cold War, the geopolitical term “Domino Theory” came to be understood as a fear tool to disseminate the idea that Communism would spread like dominoes falling if left unchecked. Ironically, a domino effect is underway in the world.

The 21st-century version of the spread of ideas and ideologies is neither communism nor capitalism. Today, the dominoes are not rigid but represent a cry for multipolarism. One look at a map and Russia and China’s most recent geopolitical moves, and a 10th grader can reach the same conclusion.

Russie, Chine et complémentarité en Afrique

La question de la complémentarité entre la Fédération de Russie et la République populaire de Chine dans le cadre de l’interaction avec les alliés et partenaires sur le continent africain est plus que jamais d’actualité et commence à recevoir un soutien officiel.

En effet, cette interaction russo-sino-africaine représente un autre cauchemar pour les représentants des régimes de la minorité planétaire occidentale.

SPECIAL REPORT – ACCELERATING HATE: The Impact of October 7 on Terrorismand Political Violence in the West


The horrific attacks by Hamas on October 7, 2023, fundamentally shifted the security posture of the
Middle East, while also having severe humanitarian consequences and ripple effects in countries
throughout the globe, including many in the West. This TSC Special Report, generously sponsored by the
Airey Neave Trust, aims to explore how October 7 impacted several Western countries, including the
United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. While the conflict remains ongoing – and
indeed will reverberate long after the fighting actually ends — this report attempts to take the pulse of
five Western countries just shy of the one-year anniversary marking the attack.

The ISIS resurgence: How Islamist fanatics are once again spreading terror around the world, killing dozens in Moscow concert hall, Taylor Swift concert massacre plot and bid to assassinate the Pope

As the Pope landed in Indonesia last week to urge a united front against religious extremism, it was the quick action of police that saved his life, uncovering a desperate plot to assassinate him with a bow and arrow, and a drone.

Numerous attempts have been foiled in the millennium since the last Pope was assassinated – but it was what police found during a raid of one of the suspect’s houses that rang alarm bells.

Don’t Drop the Ball on Kosovo

The leaders of Kosovo and Serbia have learned how to play the West. To restore credibility, the EU and the United States should draw clear red lines and respond firmly when these are crossed.

The promise of EU membership was once the silver bullet for resolving all territorial and security issues in the Balkans. That is less and less the case these days. And there is no better proof than the continuing drama involving Kosovo and Serbia.

FDD Profiles of Leading Iranian-Backed Militias


Iran has built a network of Shiite militias, now fighting across the Middle East, whose fighters number in the tens of thousands. These militias include battle-hardened fighters as well as poorly trained recruits. They hail from countries across the Muslim world and have varying motivations and interests, but they have one thing in common: they project the Islamic Republic’s power and promote its revolutionary ideology. Iran’s Shiite foreign legion has played an indispensable role in preserving the Assad regime in Syria, but all the groups have expressed a readiness to wage war against all enemies of the Islamic Republic.