Pourquoi la Russie vaincra l’OTAN en Ukraine

Le sommet de trois jours de l’OTAN à Washington DC a atteint l’objectif pour lequel il avait été organisé, à savoir créer un forum public dans lequel les 32 membres de l’Alliance pourraient exprimer leur soutien unanime aux attaques à venir contre la Fédération de Russie. Tel était le véritable objectif de la conférence. Les organisateurs de l’événement souhaitaient une démonstration spectaculaire d’unité afin de justifier les futures hostilités avec Moscou et de réduire la possibilité qu’une seule personne soit tenue responsable du déclenchement de la troisième guerre mondiale.

La véritable essence du « macronisme » est-elle l’opportunisme ?

L’usage journalistique et la facilité de langage conduisent souvent à accoler un suffixe en -isme au nom d’une personnalité politique pour désigner un courant politique qui s’incarnerait à travers un responsable. C’est ainsi qu’est apparu « le macronisme. » Dans une acception faible, ce serait un courant plus ou moins organisé désignant un groupe d’élus et militants, et le camp de ses soutiens électoraux. Dans un sens plus fort, cela induirait l’existence d’un corps de doctrine, une idéologie fixant un cap.

Les voies des marchands juifs d’esclaves

«Alors que M. Yakub continuait à prêcher pour les convertis, il a dit à son peuple qu’il ferait travailler les autres pour eux. (Cette promesse s’est réalisée.) Naturellement, il y a toujours des gens autour qui aimeraient que d’autres fassent leur travail. Ce sont eux qui ont adhéré à 100% à l’enseignement de M. Yakub». – Le très honorable Elijah Muhammad, chapitre 55 du Message aux Noirs d’Amérique intitulé «La création du diable».

Erdogan: Turkey Opposes NATO Cooperation With Israel

Latest Developments

Turkey vowed on July 12 to oppose NATO’s cooperation with Israel. During a press conference at the 75th NATO Summit, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, “Until comprehensive, sustainable peace is established in Palestine, attempts at cooperation with Israel within NATO will not be approved by Turkey.” Foreign Minister Israel Katz rebuffed Erdogan’s statement on X: “First of all, Erdogan, you decide nothing. Furthermore, a country like Turkey, which supports the murderers and rapists of Hamas and the Iranian axis of evil, should not be a member of NATO.”

Israel’s use of ‘Hannibal Directive’ on 7 October confirmed by new evidence

In a startling revelation, documents obtained by Haaretz have confirmed that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) implemented the controversial Hannibal Directive during the Hamas cross-border incursion on 7 October, and killed its own citizens. This confirmation comes after months of denial and attempts to discredit alternative news sources that had reported on the use of this contentious military protocol.

The Convulsed Republic: The Shooting of Donald Trump

As a nation, the United States, as if we did not already know, is convulsed. Paranoid and divided, giddy with conspiracy and deranged by a fear of totalitarian seizure, hyper partisan and hostile to debate and any loose definition of facts (this condition afflicts the entire political spectrum), the only thing missing so far was this: an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.

Russian Kh-101 missile strike on children’s hospital in Kyiv, Russian Armed Forces breakthrough to New York. What happened on the front this week

  • In today’s summary:
  • DeepState – Russian troops have made significant advances in the Toretsk direction and entered New York
  • The Russian Armed Forces have achieved success on the northern flank of the Avdeevka operational area, while their offensive on the southern flank has been stopped
  • In the north of the Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to disrupt the enemy’s logistics and recapture some of the positions in Glubokoe
  • It has been reliably established that the Okhmatdit Children’s Hospital in Kyiv was hit by a Russian Kh-101 missile on July 8
  • In June, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched over 2,300 glide bombs at Ukrainian territory
  • The Economist — the total losses of killed and wounded on the Russian side in the war amount to between 462,000 and 728,000 people
  • NATO countries have secured a commitment to provide Ukraine with €40 billion in military aid in 2025
  • Investigative journalists have found that the EU’s actual artillery ammunition production capacity is at least half that stated
  • The situation at the front
  • According to DeepState , Russian troops have been advancing in the Torets direction for almost the entire week . In particular, they managed to enter New York ( Novgorodskoye in 1951–2021 ) and reach the center of the village. The Russian Defense Ministry, in turn, reported the capture of the village of Chigari , which is actually the southern outskirts of Pivnichnoye , located to the north .