J.O. 2024 : L’«inclusion» par l’exclusion et les blasphèmes

La tolérance à quoi

Tel est le monde que l’«élite» libérale, européiste et postmoderne préconise que vous acceptiez, au nom d’une «tolérance» qui s’autorise le plus grand mépris de tout ce qui est noble, saint, intelligent, édifiant et authentiquement grand : celui du spectacle démoniaque des Olympiades – wokiste – de Paris en 2024. Ah, qu’il est beau le «progrès» contemporain, n’est-il pas ? Des «élites» à l’avant-garde du «capitalisme éveillé» et qui signent leurs œuvres prônant la débauche et la fétidité contrenature, sans s’apercevoir qu’ils ne font que préparer et répéter les errements post-civilisationnels qui ont amené les effondrements des empires du passé…

Les bases civiles de l’OTAN

Pourquoi l’OTAN a-t-elle été si généralement acceptée en Europe par presque tous les grands partis politiques et, surtout, par les sociaux-démocrates ? Ses coûts économiques, ses guerres d’agression illégales, ses dommages environnementaux et les risques d’anéantissement nucléaire semblent en faire un élément de premier ordre. Il est peu probable que des militants politiques bien informés croient qu’une invasion de la Suisse ou du Danemark est imminente. Il existe d’importants mouvements anti-OTAN, tels que Non à la guerre, Non à l’OTAN, mais jusqu’à présent, ils n’ont pas été en mesure d’inverser la tendance.

Backed by USA, Israel threatens wider war after Golan Heights blast

Fresh from receiving assurances of continued backing from the Biden-Harris administration in Washington, the Israeli regime immediately seized upon an alleged rocket attack in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights that killed 12 Arab Druze children to threaten an offensive into Lebanon that could trigger a wider US-backed war against Iran.

‘Convivencia’, What Is It All About? – Analysis

Convivencia: Spanish noun, from convivir, to live with the other, used by historians in the 20th century to describe inter-religious coexistence in al-Andalus, between the 8th and 15th centuries. The roots of this word, and of its Occitan twin Convivéncia, lie in an ancient Pyrenean matrimonial alliance. (1) In the 8th century, Llívia, a small Pyrenean town in Cerdagne, welcomed an Amazigh/Berber-Occitan couple. He was killed, she was exiled, the marriage ended badly. But this union, later magnified by the romantics, continues to nourish the concept of Convivencia, a concept with strong political potential. A story of halted territorial expansion, a pact between dissidents, an “unnatural” marriage and, ultimately, the re-establishment of the warrior order.

The Iraq Report: Mosul’s long road to recovery after liberation from the Islamic State

On 21 July 2017, Iraq’s second city Mosul was liberated from the Islamic State after three years of brutal rule. But has the traumatised city recovered?

Mosul, located 465 km northwest of Baghdad on the west bank of the Tigris River, is the main city of Nineveh Governorate. It sits directly across from the ancient city of Nineveh and Jonah’s Tomb, also known as Al-Nabi Yunus Mosque.

Erdogan says Turkey might enter Israel to help Palestinians

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: ‘We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine.’

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that Turkey might enter Israel as it had done in the past in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, though he did not spell out what sort of intervention he was suggesting.