The Islamic State: Background, Current Status, And US Policy – Analysis

The Islamic State (IS) is a transnational Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group. At its 2015 height, the group controlled large areas of Iraq and Syria from which it launched attacks in the region and beyond. While the group no longer controls territory outright in Syria and Iraq, U.S. military officials warn that it continues to operate and has worked to expand its global presence through affiliates in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

The Georgian State Security Service & The Georgian Legion Are On The Brink Of War

Just like the Azov Battalion and other ultra-nationalists played a key role in the spree of urban terrorism known as EuroMaidan despite their small numbers, so too does the Georgian Legion envisage doing the same in Tbilisi nowadays.

The Georgian State Security Service strongly implied that the Georgian Legion is behind the latest Western-backed regime change attempt. In their words, “These criminal plans involve Georgian nationals currently based abroad, including some Georgians fighting in Ukraine”, and are financed from overseas. This follows Georgian Legion leader Mamuka Mamulashvili accusing them of being controlled by Russia, which he claims turned Georgia into a puppet state, and embedding its spies within his ranks.

The Machinery Of Fascism Revisited – OpEd

Fascism became a swear word in the US and UK during the Second World War. It has been ever since, to the point that the content of the term has been drained away completely. It is not a system of political economy but an insult.

À propos des «démocraties» britannique, allemande, française sionisées

Ghassan Abu Sitta est un chirurgien de guerre britanico-palestinien de 55 ans qui a été élu le 24 mars dernier avec 80% des suffrages exprimés par les étudiants, recteur de l’université de Glasgow, la 4ème plus ancienne du monde. En 2021, il est chargé de cours au Centre for Blast Injury Studies de l’Imperial College de Londres. Il est connu pour avoir apporté à plusieurs reprises une assistance médicale humanitaire en tant que chirurgien dans plusieurs zones de guerre : en Irak, au Liban, en Syrie, au Yémen et bien sûr dans les hôpitaux de la bande de Gaza après chaque bombardement meurtrier israélien consécutif aux révoltes palestiniennes de 1989 à nos jours.

L’Axe de la Résistance

Les commentateurs de la guerre et de la paix se demandent souvent pourquoi la Russie et la Chine tolèrent que les États-Unis mènent autant d’activités terroristes, de guerres hybrides ou de changements de régime dans les pays du monde qui ne se soumettent pas aux règles occidentales. En ce qui concerne l’Ukraine, les critiques accusent la Russie de se battre avec la proverbiale «main dans le dos» au lieu de riposter durement contre les puissances occidentales qui sont réellement à l’origine des activités terroristes menées sur le sol russe par des agents ukrainiens mandatés.

Oil majors offered faster Nigerian exit if they pay for cleanup

Major oil companies such as Exxon Mobil (XOM.N), opens new tab and Shell (SHEL.L)
, opens new tab that aim to exit Nigeria’s onshore oil can get quicker approval to do so if they take responsibility for spills rather than wait for authorities to apportion blame, the regulator said on Friday.
Exxon, Shell, TotalEnergies (TTEF.PA) have all sought to leave Nigeria’s oil-rich Niger delta in recent years citing security concerns, including theft and sabotage, to focus on deepwater drilling. However, their exits have been delayed by regulatory hurdles.