Pourquoi les États-Unis continuent-ils à créer des guerres tout en disant qu’ils ne les cherchent pas ?

Vendredi, heure locale, les États-Unis ont annoncé qu’ils avaient mené des frappes aériennes sur plus de 85 cibles en Irak et en Syrie contre la Force Qods du Corps des gardiens de la révolution islamique d’Iran et les milices qui lui sont affiliées. Cela rend les relations déjà dysfonctionnelles entre les États-Unis et l’Iran plus compliquées et plus dangereuses. Les deux pays ont affirmé qu’ils n’avaient pas l’intention d’entrer en guerre l’un contre l’autre. Nous avons toutes les raisons de croire que c’est vrai, mais les deux parties se rapprochent de plus en plus d’un conflit direct et même d’une guerre. Il vaut la peine d’explorer en profondeur quelles sont les forces et la logique qui sous-tendent une telle évolution.

Le mystère de l’attaque de Tower 22

«La Résistance islamique en Irak a revendiqué la responsabilité d’une attaque majeure contre une base militaire américaine en Jordanie. Les États-Unis ont déclaré que le nombre de victimes «pourrait augmenter»».

Iran has crossed American’s ‘red line’…regime’s terror chiefs should prepare to be wiped out, warns former US ambassador

Mark Wallace told The Sun that Iranian terror chiefs should be preparing to be wiped out as the only “correct action” is a large-scale blitz of their military bases inside Iran.

Wallace, former US ambassador to the UN, said: “President Biden established his red line with Iran, which was that if any US soldiers were killed, he would act decisively – that line has been crossed.”


Established In: 1994;

Established By: Mohammed Omar;

Also Known As: Taleban;

Country Of Origin: Afghanistan;

Red Sea Crisis

The U.S. and U.K. have launched several strikes against Houthis military sites throughout Yemen in response to the groups’s attacks on Red Sea shipping.

This infographic provides an overview of this month’s operations.

Iran Demonstrates Strength to Keep Adversaries at Bay

In mid-January, Iran aimed a missile barrage at a range of adversaries based in Pakistan, Iraq, and Syria in a show of force intended to deter its two main adversaries, the United States and Israel.

Iran’s volleys deviated from Tehran’s classic strategy of acting through a network of allied militias and movements.

Despite the Terrorism Designation, the Houthis Remain Undeterred

The U.S. designation of the Ansarallah movement (Houthis) as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” organization last week is unlikely to stop Houthi attacks on commercial shipping through the Red Sea.
The Houthis’ leaders are defying U.S.-led retaliatory attacks and the terrorism designation, insisting their attacks will only cease when the Israel-Hamas war ends.

Iran says US strikes are a ‘strategic mistake’

Iran has called US air strikes on Iraq and Syria a “strategic mistake” after 85 targets were hit across the region on Friday.

The US launched retaliatory strikes in response to last week’s drone attack on a US military base that killed three American soldiers.

Clausewitz et la Russie

L’étude de Clausewitz, ainsi que d’autres classiques de la doctrine militaire, nous permet de mieux comprendre la position historique de la Russie qui consiste à «se défendre en attaquant», ce qui a été évident tout au long de l’opération militaire spéciale.

The New Bipolarity: Tom Friedman Prophesies a New Global Conflict and Mostly Gets It Wrong

In a recent long opinion article for the New York Times, pundit Thomas Friedman announces “a titanic geopolitical struggle between two opposing networks of nations and nonstate actors over whose values and interests will dominate our post-Cold War world.” (NY Times, January 26, 2024, p. A26). This perception is not silly. The essentially unipolar hegemony enjoyed by the United States since the end of the Cold War is surely under fire, and new constellations of power and influence are forming. But Friedman’s description of the emerging conflict is a sophomoric mashup of historical theory and primitive moralism. It is as if he were a sportscaster announcing a fight between villainous and heroic contestants.