8 Hanukkah Traditions and Their Origins

From lighting a menorah, to giving out gelt, to eating cheese—find out how these Hanukkah traditions began.

Each year, Jews around the world celebrate an eight-day winter holiday known as Hanukkah (also spelled “Chanukah” and several other ways) on the 25th day of the month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar, typically falling in November or December on the Gregorian calendar.

8 Things You Should Know About Hanukkah

The eight-day Festival of Lights marks an event dating to the second century B.C.E.

  1. What Does Hanukkah Celebrate?

Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem during the second century B.C., following the triumph of a small group of Jewish rebels, known as the Maccabees, against their oppressors the Greek-Syrians, who had defiled the temple by erecting an altar to Zeus and sacrificing pigs within its sacred walls. In order to rededicate the temple, the Maccabees had to light a menorah that would burn within the temple at all times. However, they only had enough pure olive oil to last for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days, leaving time to find a fresh supply of oil.

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»Les Forces armées maliennes ont déjoué, avec un remarquable professionnalisme, une embuscade contre une mission d’approvisionnement en vivres des populations dans le secteur de Sokolo, dans le centre du pays, en fin de matinée du mercredi 12 juillet », ajoute un communiqué de la Direction de l’information et des relations publiques des armées (DIRPA).

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