Les raisons de la crise alimentaire au Tchad

Après le décret d’urgence alimentaire, l’Association de défense des droits des consommateurs au Tchad déplore le manque d’anticipation du gouvernement.

Le Tchad a déclaré, jeudi 2 juin, “l’urgence alimentaire” pour faire face à un détérioration constante de la situation sur ce point. Un décret, signé par le président de la transition, Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, fait état d’un risque grandissant pour la population si aucune assistance humanitaire comprenant une aide alimentaire n’est apportée. Selon les Nations unies, en 2021, 5,5 millions de Tchadiens, soit plus du tiers de la population, avaient besoin d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence. Une situation qui s’est aggravée en raison de la guerre en Ukraine et le blocus sur les céréales.

Golfe de Guinée : saisie de deux tonnes de cocaïne

Le task group Jeanne-d’Arc, intégré à l’opération Corymbe de l’armée française, a saisi deux tonnes de cocaïne sur un navire de pêche dans les eaux du golfe de Guinée. Ce qui porte un nouveau coup dur aux trafics illégaux à destination de l’Europe.

Why the Abraham Accords Fall Short

Sidelining the Palestinians Is a Recipe for Violence, Not Peace

On September 15, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump stood on the White House balcony with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain to unveil one of his administration’s signature foreign policy achievements: the Abraham Accords. Trump declared that the pact, through which Bahrain and the UAE became the first two Gulf states to recognize Israel, signaled “the dawn of a new Middle East.” Since that time, Sudan and Morocco have also normalized relations with Israel and the UAE inked a trade deal with the country. This splintering of Arab unity has been remarkable, given the Arab world’s long-standing commitment to withhold political recognition until Israel agrees to end its military occupation over Arab land and comply with international law.

The New Energy Order

How Governments Will Transform Energy Markets

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world appears to be at an inflection point. Business leaders have declared the acceleration of deglobalization and sounded the alarm about a new period of stagflation. Academics have decried the return of conquest and hailed the renewal of transatlantic ties. And countries are rethinking almost every aspect of their foreign policies, including trade, defense spending, and military alliances.

Știți de ce discursul lui Henry Kissinger la Forumul Economic Mondial a iscat un scandal atât de mare?

Henry Kissinger nu a criticat nici modul în care Războiul din Ucraina este dus, nici lipsa de progrese pe câmpul de luptă. Ce a criticat Kissinger a fost chiar strategia, adică planul pentru care a fost declanșată pălălaia. A aruncat o căldare cu apă rece în capul celor care au avut această idee stupidă, spunându-le în față că „s-au înșelat”.

Kissinger, Soros, Friedman: Trei viziuni, o singură realitate (I)

Henry Kissinger, George Soros și George Friedman sunt cu toții susținători ai ideii că omenirea are nevoie de o ordine globală care, pe deasupra frontierelor culturale, să stabilească și impună persoanelor fizice și vechilor entități politice create de ele, reguli de comportament apte a duce la evitarea războiului, într-un univers în care interdependențele obiective generează solidaritatea intereselor, lăsând în urmă independența și competiția între națiuni.

Bosnian Serb leader plans to meet Lavrov, Putin

Secessionist Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik plans to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Belgrade on Tuesday and President Vladimir Putin on 17 June in Moscow, istraga.ba reported.

“This may provoke some people in the West, but what I can do. My task is to provide stability for my people,” Dodik said in a short speech, interrupted by applause.

Serbia, Russia agree to gas deal in principle, Lavrov says

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Russian President Vladimir Putin have discussed the terms of gas supply arrangements and reached an agreement in principle, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the Bosnian Serb entity TV on Sunday in an interview.

The agreement should be elaborated within the companies involved, Lavrov added.

Erdogan wants Swedish PM to fire defence minister

Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson should dismiss Defence Minister Peter Hullqvist, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the newspaper Expressen reported on Saturday.

Erdogan’s demand is based on a speech Hulqvist gave at a party 10 years ago where he celebrated the Kurdistan Workers’ People, PKK, and its imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan, according to the sources cited by Expressen.