Ukraine asks G7 to step up arms supply, pressure on Russia

Ukraine’s foreign minister said Friday that his country is willing to engage in diplomatic talks with Russia to unblock grain supplies and to achieve a political solution to the war in Ukraine but won’t accept ultimatums from Moscow.

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the Ukrainian government had received “no positive feedback” from Russia, which he alleged “prefers wars to talks.”

Maroc – Histoire : soufis et salafis face au colonialisme français

Les confréries soufies ont souvent été présentées comme des alliées du Protectorat français (1912-1956). Mais la réalité est plus complexe et nuancée. Récit.

Sidi Mohamed Ben Slimane Al-Jazouli (1404-1466) est l’un des sept saints de Marrakech, des religieux soufis aujourd’hui encore vénérés dans l’islam populaire marocain. Ce fondateur de la zaouïa Jazouliyya s’est notamment illustré dans son combat contre l’occupation portugaise sur les côtes du littoral marocain.

Sahara : les Pays-Bas se prononcent en faveur du plan d’autonomie marocain

Dans un communiqué, les autorités néerlandaises ont qualifié le plan d’autonomie marocain sur le Sahara occidental de « contribution sérieuse et crédible ».

À l’occasion de la neuvième édition du sommet interministériel de la coalition mondiale contre Daech, qui se déroule ce 11 mai à Marrakech, les Pays-Bas ont reconnu le plan d’autonomie marocain comme une « contribution sérieuse et crédible au processus mené par l’ONU pour trouver une solution à cette question ».

Mali’s Military Ejects France but Faces Serious Challenges

On May 2, 2022, a statement was made by Mali’s military spokesperson Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga on the country’s national television, where he said that Mali was ending the defense accords it had with France, effectively making the presence of French troops in Mali illegal. The statement was written by the military leadership of the country, which has been in power since May 2021.

Pope Francis: NATO Was ‘Barking at Russia’s Door,’ Provoking Moscow to Invade

The holder of the highest seat in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, said that the West is partly to blame for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, the Pope said “that barking of NATO at the door of Russia” has pushed Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, which was not a part of the alliance.

Will NATO Fight?

If NATO blood would in fact be spilt should Russia invade Poland or the Baltic states, why have we utterly rejected the prospect of spilling it to help protect Ukraine from Putin’s mass killings, torture, rape and destruction? Ukraine is not a NATO member and NATO states have no treaty obligation to come to its defence as they do to each other. But that is surely just a technicality, a few lines on a page. There is no practical or moral difference between protecting a friend who is a member of the alliance and one who is not.