China Developing ‘Brain Control Weapons’ For Future Wars

It sounds like something that came out of a sci-fi movie, but Brain control weapons are slowly coming to life through Chinese research and the development of biotechnology that can disorient enemies and make them easier to subdue. These types of weapons can potentially change the way we traditionally think about warfare in the future, where enemies could have an influence on a soldier’s cognitive functions.

Nigeria: France, Nigeria Collaborate to Contain Terrorism, Piracy

The France government, yesterday, pledged to collaborate with Nigeria in a renewed bid by both countries to contain terrorism and piracy in the Gulf of Guinea.

France made the pledge as the Minister of Defence, Maj. Gen. Bashir Magashi (rtd), sought more proactive intelligence gathering mechanism and technological support to drive new information sharing regime in aid of the military campaigns in the country.

Le changement climatique et la sécurité en Afrique

L’Afrique subit les effets du changement climatique les plus importants de toute région du monde. De canicules plus fréquentes et plus longues, aux sècheresses, inondations et cyclones, ces phénomènes ont déjà touché des millions d’Africains et menacé leurs moyens de subsistance.