Saudi Arabia tells Europe: The Muslim Brotherhood is a threat to Islam

Analysts say the Council of Senior Scholars’ message means Saudi Arabia will not change policy on the Brotherhood following Biden’s victory in the US.

The International Organisation of the Muslim Brotherhood has clashed with the Saudi Council of Senior Scholars, describing it as a sycophant body, after the Council declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation that does not represent the way of Islam and warned against its agenda.

Islam, freedom of religion and recent Jihadi attacks

It is generally believed that Islam is a backward religion, reinforcing the beliefs of medieval period, if not of the ancient period, it is conservative and even fundamentalist in its outlook, and it motivates its followers to be intolerant and violent.

Islam, it is further believed, is incompatible with modern values and political systems, including, secularism, freedom of religion, human rights and democracy. Samuel Huntington suggested that there would be civilizational clash between the west and Islam.

Mali: Goïta: le masque bluffeur

Ah la Transition, Eh la Transition ! Tout est massacré et mis sens dessus dessous. En matière d’exemplarité, la règle c’est : faites ce que je dis, mais ne faites pas ce que je fais.

Mali: Libération des otages au Sahel: 24 milliards de FCFA de rançon payée entre 2003 à 2020

Le bimensuel la Lettre confidentielle du Mali, en collaboration avec Caïlcédrat GROUP Think Tank indépendant et panafricain, a organisé, hier jeudi, deux panels sur le Sahel. Il ressort des interventions qu’environ 80 personnes ont été faites prisonnières par des groupes terroristes entre 2003 et 2020 dans le Sahel. Contre leur libération, plus de 24 milliards de FCFA auraient été payés comme rançon. Une manne qui contribue d’ailleurs à alimenter le réseau terroriste.

Muslim Brotherhood Responds to Saudi Arabia, Attacks Iran

The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria issued a statement attacking Iran and its role in the Syrian conflict, and disavowed terrorist operations as well as extremism and takfir.

The group said in its statement, issued on Tuesday and published on its official Facebook page, that it repudiates the Safavid dynasty and the theory of the Wilayat al-Faqih.

Spectre of Muslim Brotherhood dominance hovers over Libyan Dialogue in Tunis

MP Ibrahim al-Dorsi sees inter-Libyan dialogue tracks as “postponed wars, and time bombs that the United Nations mission failed to deal with in good faith”.

The expressions of cautious optimism about the success of the inter-Libyan dialogue, which were once more echoed during the opening session of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum in Tunis, could not dispel growing fears that this dialogue could end up producing a new document that would reproduce and reinforce the dominance of Islamist organisations on the Libyan scene even if under new deceptive headings.

New Hampshire report raises concerns on evolving 5G technology

On November 1, the Commission to Study the Environment and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology in the US state of New Hampshire submitted its report to the governor of the state. It noted that the permissible radiation exposure rates in the US are among the highest in the world, and recorded that research within the country exists to show that regulatory agencies are “captured” – packed with individuals who have strong industry ties. This report went largely unnoticed, given it was submitted so close to Presidential elections in the US.

When Role of Vaccines as Public Health Clashes with Their Role As Source of Super Profits

Vaccines have performed an important role in improving public health and saving human lives. All the scientists, labs, manufacturers and medical personnel who contributed to this deserve our deepest thanks and gratitude.

However in recent years a different role of vaccines started emerging– vaccines as a source of huge profits. Things became more worrying when this role of vaccines started clashing with the role of vaccines as public health and even appeared to be superseding it.

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

We are reposting this article in the light of recent developments, including Israel’s policy to normalize relations with as many Arab and Muslim countries as possible, (with the emphatic support of the Trump administration …) … While at the same time proceeding with the plan to annex large chunks of Palestinian territory and keeping the Palestinian inhabitants in conditions of severe deprivation and isolation.“( South Front, September 7, 2020)