Special Analysises

Islamic State Global Operations

TRAC Senior Analyst Daniel Lebowitz provides deep insight into the Islamic State during its “War of Attrition” in July, (more below.) Lebowitz catalogs the group’s attacks in eleven areas of operation that culminated in the lead up to Eid al-Adha. According to the special report, 189 high profile attacks took place across the world in July. Iraq, Syria, and West Africa led the list of countries where the most kinetic activity took place. TRAC’s statistical analysis of Islamic State activities worldwide assists in understanding where IS expansion and increased tempo of operations are occurring. Though the steady pace of attacks in Syria and Iraq have remained relatively constant, notable upticks in Bangladesh, west and central Africa and Sinai indicate Islamic State’s continued global reach.

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

In major escalation, deadly clashes erupted along state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, killing at least 18, raising risk of further hostilities in August.

Ahrar Al-Jufra Group: Large mobilization of Janjaweed mercenaries in Al-Jufra

The Spokesman for the Ahrar Al-Jufra Group (Jufra Freedom Group), Mahmoud Ghomais, reported that there have been dubious movements in the Al-Jufra and Sirte areas approximately a week ago, confirming in a television statement, that his group has monitored large and continuous mobilization of Haftar’s militias and Janjaweed mercenaries in the Al-Jufra area.

Increased Turkish, Maltese Italian diplomacy with Libya – the development of a new tripartite relationship as Italy attempts to pushback?

Turkish-Maltese relations have developed over the issue of Libya recently. Some analysts choose to see this as another example of further EU policy fragmentation – whilst others see Malta as conveniently representing the EU and ensuring EU policy is not totally overlooked. The mention of illegal migration in meetings is seen as evidence of this.